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Resolution #013: Imposing Limits on Water Pollution -FAILED- EmptySun Aug 28, 2011 12:38 pm by Darth GW7

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Resolution #013: Imposing Limits on Water Pollution -FAILED- EmptyTue Aug 16, 2011 7:01 pm by The Chairman

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Resolution #013: Imposing Limits on Water Pollution -FAILED- EmptySun Jul 31, 2011 7:43 pm by The Chairman

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Resolution #013: Imposing Limits on Water Pollution -FAILED- Empty Resolution #013: Imposing Limits on Water Pollution -FAILED-

Post  Baelgaria Sat May 21, 2011 9:29 am

I, President Maxon of Free Land of Baelgaria, propose that the nations of Sermo collaborate to cut down on industrial and agricultural water pollution. The runoff into oceans and lakes is also affecting the fishing market and sea life in general.
Official Resolution

Enact "Imposing Limits on Water Pollution"

Resolution SS#013

Proposed by: President Maxon

Description: A resolution to reduce environmental impact

Argument: That the nations of Sermo are not regulating the dumping of industrial, agricultural and otherwise hazardous waste into bodies of water.

DEFINING hazardous waste as byproducts of business that can be harmful to human, animal or marine life through chemical, radioactive, explosive, or toxic means.

ACKNOWLEDGING that Manufacturing, Agriculture, Chemical, and other industries produce hazardous amounts of waste that is commonly dumped and/or rinsed into bodies of water by runoff.

BELIEVING that the hazardous waste produced by these industries could be dealt with responsibly and/or stored to prevent runoff into rivers and streams.

NOTING that Agricultural waste could be cut down on by limiting use of pesticides that are harmful when added to a marine environment full of life.

KNOWING that responsible management and/or storage of these wastes can be expensive.

BELIEVING that no cost is great enough to warrant damaging the environment, especially environments that contribute to industries such as fishing.

NOTING that previously mentioned industries may designate dumping zones that have a proven method of preventing the waste from seeping into the environment managed by a government body.

PROCLAIMING that all industrial, agricultural, chemical, and other business, private and public, responsibly prevent hazardous waste from making its way into bodies of water. Whether it be through directly dumping or indirect runoff into lakes, rivers, streams, creeks, ponds, marshes, swamps, oceans, or any other body of water inhabited by marine life.

The Sermo Senate hereby enacts resolution #013, "Imposing Limits on Water Pollution"

Baelgaria's official standing on SS#013 - FOR.

Voting shall close May 25 at 6:00 AM PST

Posts : 168
Join date : 2011-03-10
Location : Baelgar, Baelgaria

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