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The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II T866fu

The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II

Premier Annenkov
The Chairman
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The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II Empty The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II

Post  The Chairman Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:48 am

Quite worryingly, the Empire of Cordonis, which seceded from Synavia months ago, has rejoined Sermo. They have occupied a tract of land just northwest of Synavia, in the previous Blammocratz. Their leader, known only as the Ultimate Supreme Executive Chairman, is a dictator who only seems to love causing misery to others. Cordonis refuses to directly participate in regional politics, so Synavia has decided to relay its messages, for no other reason than to warn our neighbors. Here is the first.

the Ultimate Supreme Executive Chairman wrote:Hello, nations of Sermo.
Jeniferia, in its prime, was a glorious nation, vast in its dimensions, immense in its power. But above all, Jeniferia was wonderful in its ready willingness to purge those who it deemed unfit to exist. Namely, the Grand Hipponian Slaughter. Unfortunately, Hippostania forced Jeniferia to leave before it could finish its impeccable work.
And that's why we're here. To finish what Jeniferia started.
We are aware that is was customary to show Hippostania delightful videos of the work taking place. We continue this tradition.

*The video starts* A Hipponian man lies shackled on the ground. "No! Stop!" he begs. "Over my dead body-or, rather, yours," the Cordonian says, as he lights the man on fire. The man lets out a blood-curdling scream that does not pause for breath. His skin is flayed into thin, crispy cinders by the blaze. Over the roaring of the fire and the man's agonized screaming, the Cordonian man shouts, "You will all meet this end, Hipponians! Or worse! Most likely worse!" He has a boad grin on his face. He's having the time of his life. *The video ends*

Synavia does not and will never support Cordonis' disgusting actions.
The Chairman
The Chairman

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The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II Empty Re: The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II

Post  Hippo Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:41 am

We are outraged by this! Stop immidiately or we WILL invade you.
//Also, please provide me with a map to show me where Cordonis is located

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The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II Empty Re: The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II

Post  Soros Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:07 am

P.R.S.R is puzzled by this event as no one within the country, not even Sovereign Soros himself, has heard of this 'Cordonis' nation. It is clear, however, that Cordonis not only threathens Hippostania, but also the rest of Sermo and its own people. If Hippostania decides to invade, we will put our differences aside and assist them.

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The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II Empty Re: The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II

Post  The Chairman Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:11 am

The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II Mapofcordonis
The Chairman
The Chairman

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The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II Empty Re: The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II

Post  Hippo Thu Jun 30, 2011 12:13 pm

To prevent further violence against Hippostanian nationals, the Parliament of Hippostania has decided to intervene.

Aircraft carriers HNS Altiero Spinelli, HNS Joseph Bech and HNS Richard Nikolaus accompanied by destroyers HNS Axel Freudenthal, HNS Charles Darwin, HNS Charles de Gaulle, HNS Jalal Talabani, HNS Martti Ahtisaari & HNS Lennart Meri and frigates HNS Copenhagen, HNS Edinburgh and HNS Lagos will dock near the coast of Ocasus where F/A-18 Super Hornets will attempt to destroy all SAM-sites in Cordonis. Afterwards Blackhawk helicopters accompanied by AH-1Z attack helicopters and F/A-18 Super Hornets will start transporting troops in. Our mission is to establish a FOB and gain control of the nearest airfield as soon as possible. After the soldiers have gained control of the nearest airfield using the air support provided by the Hippostanian Air Force, C-130's will use low-level extraction to provide M2 Bradley IFV's Stryker APC's and MLRS artillery vehicles to the Hippostanian marines. Once they advance further, Hippostanian transport planes will land and provide the troops with heavy armor such as M1 Abrams. After that, heir mission is to rendez-vous with the Hippostanian paratroopers and take control of the main cities.

At the same time, Hippostanian Air Force C-17's and C-130's will depart from Northern Hippostania will paradrop marines into Cordonis' biggest cities. They will be accompanied by F-16's, F/A-18's, F-22's and F-35's that will attempt to destroy all the SAM-sites. Their mission is to take control of the main Cordonian cities.

The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II Attaack

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The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II Empty Re: The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II

Post  Soros Thu Jun 30, 2011 1:10 pm

P.R.S.R will drop paratroopers in the north-western part of the country.

The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II 2011063000001

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The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II Empty Re: The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II

Post  Soros Thu Jun 30, 2011 1:20 pm

As soon as they've landed and secured an airfield, we will proceed to extract BMP-2 light tanks.

The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II 2011063000003

The objective is to occupy countryside villages and smaller cities through guerrilla warfare. Soldiers will attempt to arm civilians prepared to join their cause. We will make sure to inform the people that they're being liberated by communism.

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The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II Empty Re: The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II

Post  Premier Annenkov Thu Jun 30, 2011 1:20 pm

In order to support our Hippostanian allies, we have begun the immediate process of sending in airborne mechanized and light armored divisions. In roughly 26 hours, a force of 26 BMD-2's and support troops will be landing in southwestern Cordonis, approximately 14 kilometers from the Synavian border. Once an FOB has been secured, we be deploying further troops into the region.
Premier Annenkov
Premier Annenkov

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The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II Empty Re: The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II

Post  Baelgaria Thu Jun 30, 2011 3:14 pm

Baelgaria cannot help, as our newest missile satellites have yet to come online.

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The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II Empty Re: The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II

Post  Argulor Thu Jun 30, 2011 11:36 pm

Argulor can not help, as not only is Cordonis to far away, but we have not yet finished building our military.

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The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II Empty Re: The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II

Post  TekrosW Fri Jul 01, 2011 8:46 am

Tekros will send its famed artillery divisions to the fray, along with some mobile armor. Do not expect any response from our Government however.
They are currently experiencing unrest and The Tekros Ground Force has not received any commands for a week. I am Commander -General Roerer and even though there is a grave situation in our Country, we will not let our Allies down.

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The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II Empty Re: The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II

Post  The Chairman Fri Jul 01, 2011 9:25 am

The Ultimate Supreme Executive Chairman seems to think this all quite hilarious.

The Ultimate Supreme Executive Chairman wrote:Ah! Aha! Ha! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! That's -ah,- quite hilarious. Paratroopers! Ahaha! They've got NO idea where they just landed! Oohoo! Oh, they'll get a load of the stuff. Aha! Oh, I've almost forgotten about the video. This one's even better! Rolling!

*The video starts* A crowd of children, not one of them over eight, are huddled in a large concrete room. The walls are splattered with the fluids of human misery. The room is divided in half by a steel gate. On the other side is a tiger, matted, mangy, and obviously starving. The children scream for their mothers as the gate slowly swings open. The tiger leaps through and grabs the first child, who screams in agony as her torso is ripped apart and devoured. As the tiger proceeds to the second child, the Cordonians hoot and cheer as one would do at a football game. Soon all that is left of the children is a bloodstained circle on the floor and a fat, contented tiger.*The video ends*

Excuse me, mlllp, for a moment.

Okay, I'm back. Mm. very nearly ruined my suit there. My weekend suit, too! Ah, anyway, that was a vomit-inducing display of cruelty and we're very angry at Cordonis. Unfortunately, there is no good way for Synavia to attack Cordonis. That would completely undermine all connections with Cordonis and would make it impossible for synavia to know what Cordonis is up to.

Because of The Ultimate Supreme Executive Chairman's comments, we would advise PRSR paratroopers to take caution. It's possible that they may be landing in a mine field. Just saying.
The Chairman
The Chairman

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The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II Empty Re: The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II

Post  Hippo Fri Jul 01, 2011 10:40 am

That criminal won't be laughing much longer, Hippostanian troops have already captured most of Cordonis. Once he is captured, he will be transported to Hippostania for trial and most likely executed.

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The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II Empty Re: The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II

Post  Soros Fri Jul 01, 2011 1:21 pm

Thanks for the warning. We've deployed sappers to clear the way for our tanks and infantry. Our progress will be slower, but it will save us from unecesarry casualities. We haven't faced too much military resistance so far, but the population are being incompliant to the orders of our soldiers.

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The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II Empty Re: The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II

Post  Hippo Fri Jul 01, 2011 2:56 pm

Hippostania has soon completed securing all major urban areas. Our troops will now slowly start patrolling the countryside too.

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The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II Empty Re: The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II

Post  The Chairman Fri Jul 01, 2011 7:27 pm

The Ultimate Supreme Executive Chairman wrote:Pfff! Ahaha! That's funny. The funny thing is, none of them are alive anymore, and they don't even know. Ahaha! They landed right into Blammo Crater! They died instantly! No living soul can withstand that amount of radiation!
The Hipponian death toll has now reached 500,000! And I expect that will reach tens of millions soon. Five minutes ago, a nuclear warhead detonated right in the middle of Waverly! Aha! AND I've got a new video! Look at this! Look at it! LOOK AT IT! LOOK AT IIIIITTTHARGHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA!! *falls onto floor*

*The video starts* A Hippostanian in a tattered, bloodstained suit is shackled on a concrete slab. Cordonians surround him. "Please don't hurt me! Please! I have a wife! Kids! I have a family! They love me! Please!" he begs. "Actually, they don't," a Cordonian says in a voice dripping with malice. "We killed them five minutes ago. Burned at the stake, all of them." The Hipponian bursts into frantic tears. "We've got something special for you, though," the Cordonian continues. "We understand that you played an important role in the Jeniferian War. You shall pay for your misdemeanors. I believe it's called the Bloody Eagle. Medieval." With that, the Cordonians converge and make a single cut from neck to bellybutton. With the Hipponian screaming in agony, the Cordonians rip apart the ribcage and seize the lungs. The lungs are forced out of the body through a gap in the ribs. The Cordonians leave the Hipponian to die a slow death.

Oh god. Oh god oh god oh godohgodohgodohgod ROALFFFF
*panting for breath* Damn. That was my best suit! Oh no, YAAARFF
Curse you, Cordonis! Curse you! That's $400 you'll be paying in damages! My best suit!!
The Chairman
The Chairman

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Age : 48
Location : Cordopolis, Cordonis

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The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II Empty Re: The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II

Post  Premier Annenkov Fri Jul 01, 2011 7:33 pm


//Thats a bit a dickload of god modding. You can't decide the other factions casualties.

//Also, how the hell did Cordonis get a nuclear weapon?

Last edited by Premier Annenkov on Sat Jul 02, 2011 11:56 am; edited 1 time in total
Premier Annenkov
Premier Annenkov

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The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II Empty Re: The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II

Post  Soros Fri Jul 01, 2011 7:55 pm

Premier Annenkov wrote://what

//Thats a bit of god modding. You can't decide the other factions casualties.

//Also, how the hell did Cordonis get a nuclear weapon?

"a bit"

A lot.

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Location : Sorosgrad, People's Republic of Sovereign Rulers

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The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II Empty Re: The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II

Post  Baelgaria Fri Jul 01, 2011 9:13 pm

President Newlark wrote:
The Ultimate Supreme Executive Chairman wrote:Pfff! Ahaha! That's funny. The funny thing is, none of them are alive anymore, and they don't even know. Ahaha! They landed right into Blammo Crater! They died instantly! No living soul can withstand that amount of radiation!
The Hipponian death toll has now reached 500,000! And I expect that will reach tens of millions soon. Five minutes ago, a nuclear warhead detonated right in the middle of Waverly! Aha! AND I've got a new video! Look at this! Look at it! LOOK AT IT! LOOK AT IIIIITTTHARGHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA!! *falls onto floor*

*The video starts* A Hippostanian in a tattered, bloodstained suit is shackled on a concrete slab. Cordonians surround him. "Please don't hurt me! Please! I have a wife! Kids! I have a family! They love me! Please!" he begs. "Actually, they don't," a Cordonian says in a voice dripping with malice. "We killed them five minutes ago. Burned at the stake, all of them." The Hipponian bursts into frantic tears. "We've got something special for you, though," the Cordonian continues. "We understand that you played an important role in the Jeniferian War. You shall pay for your misdemeanors. I believe it's called the Bloody Eagle. Medieval." With that, the Cordonians converge and make a single cut from neck to bellybutton. With the Hipponian screaming in agony, the Cordonians rip apart the ribcage and seize the lungs. The lungs are forced out of the body through a gap in the ribs. The Cordonians leave the Hipponian to die a slow death.

Oh god. Oh god oh god oh godohgodohgodohgod ROALFFFF
*panting for breath* Damn. That was my best suit! Oh no, YAAARFF
Curse you, Cordonis! Curse you! That's $400 you'll be paying in damages! My best suit!!
Hypocrisy at it's finest. Also, Blammo Crater appeared out of fucking nowhere. I've never heard of it mentioned anywhere ever.
//Also that's not how the Bloody Eagle works, they would rip out the lungs and spread them across the victim's back like wings.

What, why the hell are there Hipponians in Blammocratz at all?? Blammocratz collapsed months ago.

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The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II Empty Re: The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II

Post  Soros Fri Jul 01, 2011 10:19 pm

Baelgaria wrote:
President Newlark wrote:
The Ultimate Supreme Executive Chairman wrote:Pfff! Ahaha! That's funny. The funny thing is, none of them are alive anymore, and they don't even know. Ahaha! They landed right into Blammo Crater! They died instantly! No living soul can withstand that amount of radiation!
The Hipponian death toll has now reached 500,000! And I expect that will reach tens of millions soon. Five minutes ago, a nuclear warhead detonated right in the middle of Waverly! Aha! AND I've got a new video! Look at this! Look at it! LOOK AT IT! LOOK AT IIIIITTTHARGHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA!! *falls onto floor*

*The video starts* A Hippostanian in a tattered, bloodstained suit is shackled on a concrete slab. Cordonians surround him. "Please don't hurt me! Please! I have a wife! Kids! I have a family! They love me! Please!" he begs. "Actually, they don't," a Cordonian says in a voice dripping with malice. "We killed them five minutes ago. Burned at the stake, all of them." The Hipponian bursts into frantic tears. "We've got something special for you, though," the Cordonian continues. "We understand that you played an important role in the Jeniferian War. You shall pay for your misdemeanors. I believe it's called the Bloody Eagle. Medieval." With that, the Cordonians converge and make a single cut from neck to bellybutton. With the Hipponian screaming in agony, the Cordonians rip apart the ribcage and seize the lungs. The lungs are forced out of the body through a gap in the ribs. The Cordonians leave the Hipponian to die a slow death.

Oh god. Oh god oh god oh godohgodohgodohgod ROALFFFF
*panting for breath* Damn. That was my best suit! Oh no, YAAARFF
Curse you, Cordonis! Curse you! That's $400 you'll be paying in damages! My best suit!!
Hypocrisy at it's finest. Also, Blammo Crater appeared out of fucking nowhere. I've never heard of it mentioned anywhere ever.
//Also that's not how the Bloody Eagle works, they would rip out the lungs and spread them across the victim's back like wings.

What, why the hell are there Hipponians in Blammocratz at all?? Blammocratz collapsed months ago.

Cordonia settled in the Blammocratz region. We invaded it.

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Location : Sorosgrad, People's Republic of Sovereign Rulers

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The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II Empty Re: The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II

Post  Baelgaria Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:25 am

Soros wrote:
Baelgaria wrote:
President Newlark wrote:
The Ultimate Supreme Executive Chairman wrote:Pfff! Ahaha! That's funny. The funny thing is, none of them are alive anymore, and they don't even know. Ahaha! They landed right into Blammo Crater! They died instantly! No living soul can withstand that amount of radiation!
The Hipponian death toll has now reached 500,000! And I expect that will reach tens of millions soon. Five minutes ago, a nuclear warhead detonated right in the middle of Waverly! Aha! AND I've got a new video! Look at this! Look at it! LOOK AT IT! LOOK AT IIIIITTTHARGHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA!! *falls onto floor*

*The video starts* A Hippostanian in a tattered, bloodstained suit is shackled on a concrete slab. Cordonians surround him. "Please don't hurt me! Please! I have a wife! Kids! I have a family! They love me! Please!" he begs. "Actually, they don't," a Cordonian says in a voice dripping with malice. "We killed them five minutes ago. Burned at the stake, all of them." The Hipponian bursts into frantic tears. "We've got something special for you, though," the Cordonian continues. "We understand that you played an important role in the Jeniferian War. You shall pay for your misdemeanors. I believe it's called the Bloody Eagle. Medieval." With that, the Cordonians converge and make a single cut from neck to bellybutton. With the Hipponian screaming in agony, the Cordonians rip apart the ribcage and seize the lungs. The lungs are forced out of the body through a gap in the ribs. The Cordonians leave the Hipponian to die a slow death.

Oh god. Oh god oh god oh godohgodohgodohgod ROALFFFF
*panting for breath* Damn. That was my best suit! Oh no, YAAARFF
Curse you, Cordonis! Curse you! That's $400 you'll be paying in damages! My best suit!!
Hypocrisy at it's finest. Also, Blammo Crater appeared out of fucking nowhere. I've never heard of it mentioned anywhere ever.
//Also that's not how the Bloody Eagle works, they would rip out the lungs and spread them across the victim's back like wings.

What, why the hell are there Hipponians in Blammocratz at all?? Blammocratz collapsed months ago.

Cordonia settled in the Blammocratz region. We invaded it.
You sent children in too?

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The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II Empty Re: The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II

Post  Argulor Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:41 am

Premier Annenkov wrote://what

//Thats a bit of god modding. You can't decide the other factions casualties.

//Also, how the hell did Cordonis get a nuclear weapon?
// Hippo godmodded quite a bit to.
Hippo wrote:That criminal won't be laughing much longer, Hippostanian troops have already captured most of Cordonis. Once he is captured, he will be transported to Hippostania for trial and most likely executed.
// Note that he said that most of Cordonis is already captured, when not a single post has -really- been made about said capture, except for deploying military.
// Not saying either god modding is acceptable, but that's a bit of a double standard. Although, true, Synavia/Cordonis's godmodding is worse.

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The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II Empty Re: The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II

Post  Hippo Sat Jul 02, 2011 2:35 am

Argulor wrote:
Premier Annenkov wrote://what

//Thats a bit of god modding. You can't decide the other factions casualties.

//Also, how the hell did Cordonis get a nuclear weapon?
// Hippo godmodded quite a bit to.
Hippo wrote:That criminal won't be laughing much longer, Hippostanian troops have already captured most of Cordonis. Once he is captured, he will be transported to Hippostania for trial and most likely executed.
// Note that he said that most of Cordonis is already captured, when not a single post has -really- been made about said capture, except for deploying military.
// Not saying either god modding is acceptable, but that's a bit of a double standard. Although, true, Synavia/Cordonis's godmodding is worse.
Not really. That post was made one day after the invasion begun. With a huge load of troopsm, it won't really take that long to invade Cordonis. I do admit that there is still plenty of countryside and even some smaller towns outside our sphere of control, but we'll take them soon too.

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Location : Waverley, Hippostania

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The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II Empty Re: The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II

Post  Argulor Sat Jul 02, 2011 3:19 am

Hippo wrote:
Argulor wrote:
Premier Annenkov wrote://what

//Thats a bit of god modding. You can't decide the other factions casualties.

//Also, how the hell did Cordonis get a nuclear weapon?
// Hippo godmodded quite a bit to.
Hippo wrote:That criminal won't be laughing much longer, Hippostanian troops have already captured most of Cordonis. Once he is captured, he will be transported to Hippostania for trial and most likely executed.
// Note that he said that most of Cordonis is already captured, when not a single post has -really- been made about said capture, except for deploying military.
// Not saying either god modding is acceptable, but that's a bit of a double standard. Although, true, Synavia/Cordonis's godmodding is worse.
Not really. That post was made one day after the invasion begun. With a huge load of troopsm, it won't really take that long to invade Cordonis. I do admit that there is still plenty of countryside and even some smaller towns outside our sphere of control, but we'll take them soon too.
Cordonis is a country founded by the former Synavian military, so it is assumed that their military would be quite large, and after these past events, fully ready to defend from any of your troops, therefore, it is also a good guess that it would take longer than a day to get that far in.

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Location : Bragh, Argulor

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The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II Empty Re: The Slaughter of the Hippostanian Foreign Nationals: Part II

Post  Hippo Sat Jul 02, 2011 4:54 am

Argulor wrote:
Hippo wrote:
Argulor wrote:
Premier Annenkov wrote://what

//Thats a bit of god modding. You can't decide the other factions casualties.

//Also, how the hell did Cordonis get a nuclear weapon?
// Hippo godmodded quite a bit to.
Hippo wrote:That criminal won't be laughing much longer, Hippostanian troops have already captured most of Cordonis. Once he is captured, he will be transported to Hippostania for trial and most likely executed.
// Note that he said that most of Cordonis is already captured, when not a single post has -really- been made about said capture, except for deploying military.
// Not saying either god modding is acceptable, but that's a bit of a double standard. Although, true, Synavia/Cordonis's godmodding is worse.
Not really. That post was made one day after the invasion begun. With a huge load of troopsm, it won't really take that long to invade Cordonis. I do admit that there is still plenty of countryside and even some smaller towns outside our sphere of control, but we'll take them soon too.
Cordonis is a country founded by the former Synavian military, so it is assumed that their military would be quite large, and after these past events, fully ready to defend from any of your troops, therefore, it is also a good guess that it would take longer than a day to get that far in.
You do know that the Synavian military isn't really that big, and their equipment isn't very new either?
We attacked in huge numbers with state-of-the-art M1 Abrams tanks, M2 Bradley IFV's, Apache gunships and F-22 & F-35 jets. They don't really stand a chance.

Posts : 296
Join date : 2011-03-03
Age : 25
Location : Waverley, Hippostania

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