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Post  Hippo Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:37 am

Results of recent Hippostanian Parliamentary Elections have been published! Here they are!

For those who don't know how the Hippostanian parliamentary system works, here's some info.
- There are 200 members in the Parliament
- The different parties form alliances (For example, an alliance between left-wing parties such as Left Alliance and Social Democratic Party)
- If an alliance has more than 101 members, it forms a cabinet
- Cabinet takes care of all the important decisions
- The parties that didn't get into the cabinet are in the opposition

Hippostanian Parliamentary Elections: RESULTS! Parliament1

Hippostanian Parliamentary Elections: RESULTS! Parliament2

- Hippostania First lost 23 MP's, becoming the second largest party. ''This is a sad day for the party. We've been the largest party for 17 years. But not anymore'' commented Seren Aldridge, leader of the party
- Liberal Democratic Progressive Party gained 18 MP's, becoming the largest party. ''This is a wonderful day for us and to Hippostania. Big changes will be soon underway!'' commented Tony Hendricks, leader of the party
- National Socialist Party of Hippostania lost its only seat. ''HEIL HITLER I BET THE JEWS DID THIS WE WILL RETURN SIEG HEIL'' commented Hidolf Atler, leader of the party
- Freedom Party recieved enough votes for two parliamentary seats, but lost them due to the content of their party platform. It included proposals such as ''Nuke our neighbours and invade them'' and ''Kill all people who don't love Hippostania for treason''

It is likely that the Liberal Democratic Progress Party will form the cabinet with the Pirate Party, Hippostanian Green Alliance, Sermoan Federal Party of Hippostania and United Liberal Alliance. Parties like National Democratic Party, Bourgeois Party and Hippostania First will end up in the opposition for the first time in 17 years.

National Democratic Party: A conservative right-wing populist party. Some claim that the party is 'imperialist and xenophobic'
Bourgeois Party: A conservative libertarian party designed to promote the rights of rich people. Opposes things like progressive taxation.
Liberal Democratic Progressive Party: The largest party. Although officially right-wing, it's often classified as centrist. Supports demilitarization of Hippostania's nuclear weapons, opposed the war against Jeniferia. It is also against ''useless'' defence spending. Wants to ease tight relations with neighbouring countries.
Hippostania First: A conservative semi-liberal party that has been blamed for excess xenophobia. Supported the war against Jeniferia, and would've wanted to raise defence spending. Supports war against Frenzland.
Sermoan Federal Party of Hippostania: A liberal libertarian party that supports strong integration with Sermo. Believes that some day, all nations of Sermo will form a federation.
Hippostanian Green Alliance: A centrist-liberal party that supports enviromental protection by abandoning the use of fossil fuels and promoting public transportation. Wants that 100% of electricity in Hippostania is created using nuclear, water or wind power.
Center Party: Jokingly called ''Redneck Party''. Officially it is ''conservative-centrist'', but everyone know that the party is meant for rednecks from the countryside. Co-operates with everyone, as long as agricultural subsidies will be raised every year.
Pirate Party of Hippostania: The Hippostanian branch of the International Pirate Party. Supports things such as ''making warez legal''
United Liberal Alliance: A centre-left liberal party. This party is pretty generic, nothing interesting to tell about it.
Hippostanian People's Democratic League: A conservative left-wing populist party. It's pretty much the leftist-version of National Democratic Party
Social Democratic Party: Good old-fashioned social democracy! It's not very popular in Hippostania though, so don't expect to get a lot of votes.
Left Alliance: PEACE UNDER THE NAME OF COMMUNISM! Officially a leftist-party, everyone know that it's communist. However, they know that if they admit that they're communist, they'll immidiately lose their seats in the parliament. Communist is like a swear word in Hippostania.

Sorry about all the spelling errors, but you can't write large things like this without making a few errors, especially if English is not your native language D:

Posts : 296
Join date : 2011-03-03
Age : 25
Location : Waverley, Hippostania

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