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Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons. EmptySun Aug 28, 2011 12:38 pm by Darth GW7

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Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons. EmptyTue Aug 16, 2011 7:01 pm by The Chairman

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Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons. EmptyFri Aug 12, 2011 6:04 pm by TekrosW

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Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons. EmptyThu Aug 11, 2011 9:00 am by The Chairman

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Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons. EmptyThu Aug 04, 2011 12:50 pm by Darth GW7

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Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons. EmptyWed Aug 03, 2011 10:09 am by The Chairman

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Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons. EmptyWed Aug 03, 2011 9:41 am by The Chairman

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Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons. EmptyTue Aug 02, 2011 9:59 am by The Chairman

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Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons. EmptySun Jul 31, 2011 7:43 pm by The Chairman

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Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons. T866fu

Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons.

Avin Triumvirate
Delegate of Flooziania
Prime Minister Siluan
Darth GW7
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Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons. Empty Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons.

Post  Darth GW7 Sun Mar 20, 2011 4:43 am

Official Resolution

Enact "Disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons"

Resolution SS#007 [heh]

Proposed by: Grand Administrator Darth of Frenzland

1. For all nations to disarm and dispose of all weaponry which utilise the nuclear breakdown of elements and the radiation produced as a means to cause harm.
eg. Atomic Bombs, Nuclear Warheads, Radiation "Death Rays".

2. For all nations to disarm and dispose of all weapons which utilise chemicals such as acids or toxins as a means to cause harm.
eg. Mustard Gas, Botulinum, Nerve Gas.

3. For all nations to disarm and dispose of all weapons which utilise organic compounds or organisms as a means to cause harm.
eg. E. Coli, Anthrax.


KNOWING that such weapons have severe long-term consequences for the area they are used on.

KNOWING that the use of such weapons is inhumane and causes unnecessary suffering to the victims of attack.

KNOWING that such weapons cannot be easily controlled or moderated when used as an offensive weapon.

KNOWING that the misuse of such weapons can result in the death of millions of civilians.

KNOWING that some nations depend upon the possession of such weapons as a means to terrorise or coerce their enemies

ACKNOWLEDGING that some nations use weapons as a genuine defensive means

BELIEVING strongly that there are many other alternatives which cause less harm to innocents.

BELIEVING that the use of other alternatives can result in minimal loss of human life for both military targets and civilians.

The Sermo Senate hereby enacts resolution #007, "Disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons"

Frenzland's official standing on SS#007 - FOR.

Please Discuss. Discussions shall close on 25th March at 18:00 GMT.

Voting shall start immediately afterwards.
Darth GW7
Darth GW7

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Location : Deanor, Frenzland

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Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons. Empty Re: Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons.

Post  Sekkisi Sun Mar 20, 2011 5:01 am

The government of Sekkisi fully supports this resolution.

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Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons. Empty Re: Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons.

Post  Hippo Sun Mar 20, 2011 5:54 am

Goverment of Hippostania fully supports the disarmament of biological weapons, but we strongly disagree with nuclear disarmament. We need nuclear weapons to protect ourself.

Even though we would love to disarm all biological weapons (we don't have any) from Sermoan nations, we have to DISAGREE with this proposal, as it would also require us to participate in a nuclear disarmament.

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Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons. Empty Re: Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons.

Post  Sekkisi Sun Mar 20, 2011 5:58 am

Hippo wrote:Goverment of Hippostania fully supports the disarmament of biological weapons, but we strongly disagree with nuclear disarmament. We need nuclear weapons to protect ourself.

Three nuclear bomb drops as a first strike is hardly "protection", it is an unnecessary level of aggression that caused harm to uninvolved nations.

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Location : District One, Sekkisi

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Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons. Empty Re: Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons.

Post  Prime Minister Siluan Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:10 am

Ordovichia fully supports this motion. The risks associated with nuclear and biological weapons are too great for them to be used so freely as we have seen in the Jeniferian war.
Prime Minister Siluan
Prime Minister Siluan

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Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons. Empty Re: Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons.

Post  Delegate of Flooziania Sun Mar 20, 2011 7:46 am

The Commonwealth of Floozania fully supports this.
Delegate of Flooziania
Delegate of Flooziania

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Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons. Empty Re: Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons.

Post  Avin Triumvirate Sun Mar 20, 2011 8:47 am

Considering not only recent events, but the very forms of attack employed for chemical and biological weaponry, Avinistratus as a whole, it can be said agrees with the outlawing of all biological weapons, and all lethal chemical weaponry - thus allowing for the use of such non-lethal substances as tear gas to prevent violence.

While understanding the potential misuse and ability for en masse destruction from nuclear weaponry, the Triumvirate believes that they are a stable part of the modern militarised world. As such, this resolution should be split between the rather more controversial chemical and biological aspect, while nuclear - which across the regions, is a far more accepted element of the arsenal - should be debated seperately.

This is because it is actually easier to protect and take action against nuclear weaponry than it is against chemical and biological, that it is a more reasonable and versatile tool be be used in other circumstances, for example Project Backhoe, which has been evaluating the capability of nuclear warheads as mining charges.

There is also the issue of rogue nations, while Sermo might be a single region, what would there be to stop others simply extorting us, threatening us with nuclear obliteration unless we offered them the fruits of our lands?

Another element is the problem of enforcing this issue, what would happen if a nationstate produced such weaponry in secret, and instead of using it as a strategic deterrent deployed by the military forces in public, used it to terrorise the region, detonating devices within multiple states?

It might be a relatively simple task to disarm the armed forces, but the genie of nuclear weaponry has been let out of the bag, we cannot simply replace the stopper and expect it to remain so. The presence of a tactical and strategic nuclear arsenal was what bought the Heartland's war with the Buutan nationstate to an end, rather than waging months or possibly years of conventional war, the conflict was contained within the Aldham gap, and kept to a short yet bloody series of meeting engagements.

I believe that any nuclear disarmament should be focused more upon the users of such weapons than simply the munitions themselves. It is like implying that because guns were used in the recent conflict, all guns should be banned, instead, isn't it better to regulate who may obtain such devices?

If it is known that a state is willing and ready to cause misharm via such weaponry, they can be policed, inspected and regularily searched to ensure that no official - and if possible unofficial development or storage is taking place. As said earlier, this method doesn't always work, but it's better than throwing all the weaponry away then realising our mistake once a more militant region places us within their crosshairs.
Avin Triumvirate
Avin Triumvirate

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Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons. Empty Re: Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons.

Post  Cisco Zarandin Sun Mar 20, 2011 4:04 pm

Ocasus backs this completely.
Cisco Zarandin
Cisco Zarandin

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Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons. Empty Re: Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons.

Post  Telekarta Mon Mar 21, 2011 12:29 pm

The International Security Board of Telekarta supports the disarmament of both Biological and Chemical weaponry, but maintains that Nuclear Weaponry is a necessary evil in todays' world, and therefore is against disarmament of nukes.

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Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons. Empty Re: Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons.

Post  President Gan Mon Mar 21, 2011 3:27 pm

Machiniosa rejects this proposal on the grounds that Nuclear weaponry is an effective deterrent.
President Gan
President Gan

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Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons. Empty Re: Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons.

Post  Darth GW7 Mon Mar 21, 2011 3:29 pm

It seems that too many nations of Sermo are too dependant on their barbaric military force for the nuclear disarmament to go on.
Frenzland calls on all nations to push away this backwards thinking and move forward into a brighter, nuclear-free future.
Darth GW7
Darth GW7

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Location : Deanor, Frenzland

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Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons. Empty Re: Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons.

Post  Avin Triumvirate Mon Mar 21, 2011 4:05 pm

Darth GW7 wrote:It seems that too many nations of Sermo are too dependant on their barbaric military force for the nuclear disarmament to go on.
Frenzland calls on all nations to push away this backwards thinking and move forward into a brighter, nuclear-free future.

I believe it should be noted that the 'barbaric military force' referred too by the above, is actually something which the majority of nations within Sermo retain. Surely if this was the completely peaceful world and region we would hope for, there wouldn't be a need for any military presence, yet even the Frenzlanders have their own military forces. Unlike Chemical and Biological weaponry, Nuclear weapons are an accepted form of warfare - if one which tends to be reserved either as a last resort, against overwhelming forces or as a form of countering those who would deploy chemical and biological weaponry upon civilians and innocents.

If they are banned, the research and development teams of those wishing for weapons of truly mass destruction will simply find enough way, be it by bigger and more accurate conventional bombs, or via methods currently unknown. And they shall not be restrained by the current stigma that clouds nuclear weaponry.
Avin Triumvirate
Avin Triumvirate

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Location : Nova, Avinistratus

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Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons. Empty Re: Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons.

Post  Nova Caledonia Wed Mar 23, 2011 3:48 pm

It should be noted that the Protectorate fully supports the statements of the Administratum, especially with regard to the utility of Nuclear Weapons, having participated in the conflict with Buuta, supplying a good percentage of the forces involved in the conflict at the Aldham Gap.

Like the Administratum, we endorse retaining Nuclear arsenals as a necessary deterrent, and for the usage of lower scale warheads (in the few kilotonne range) should any conflict evolve in the region.

We do agree that Chemical and Biological weapons should be removed from the arsenals of civilised nations.

- Archos Militaris, Protectorate of Nova Caledonia
Nova Caledonia
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Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons. Empty Re: Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons.

Post  Sekkisi Wed Mar 23, 2011 5:01 pm

Due to recent government changes within Sekkisi, The Board of Directors retracts it's support for resolution #007.

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Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons. Empty Re: Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons.

Post  Darth GW7 Thu Mar 24, 2011 11:19 am

//where are you guys getting all these raven avatars from
it's scary, the nazis used the raven as their logo ;-;
Darth GW7
Darth GW7

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Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons. Empty Re: Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons.

Post  Avin Triumvirate Thu Mar 24, 2011 11:47 am

Darth GW7 wrote://where are you guys getting all these raven avatars from
it's scary, the nazis used the raven as their logo ;-;

// Nova Caledonia's is actually based upon...

Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons. 114364d1276605252-german-nazi-eagle-w-swastika-pin-gold-swastika-hanging-eagles-claws-dsc00446

Except it's Celtic instead. Razz
Avin Triumvirate
Avin Triumvirate

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Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons. Empty Re: Resolution: Complete regional disarmament of Nuclear and Biological weapons.

Post  Nova Caledonia Sat Mar 26, 2011 8:47 am

I want to suggest that Frenzland is guilty of attempting to push it's own agenda by wrapping up the disarmament of chemical and biological weapons (a credible threat that all civilised nations should acknowledge are beyond what we can morally justify, even in the name of defence and warfare) with that of Nuclear weapons, which have a valid place in the arsenals of all nations, if only because they are a deterrent weapon, the having of which prevents any large-scale conflict between nations.

However, being as these two issues are not being divorced in this resolution, the arsenal of peace (and I do not use this term loosely, for nuclear disarmament will remove one of the greatest threats to rogue nations and their leaders which prevents large scale conflict) is being threatened by the fact that Frenzland has, skillfully, manipulated us into a position where we can not ban that which must be, without also banning that which should not. Therefore, I advise all nations to vote against this hasty and ill-advised treaty, and will, on the heels of it, propose an alternative resolution banning the use of Chemical and Biological weaponry, whilst preserving the Nuclear deterrent, in the name of the fragile peace which, we can all agree, must continue.

- Archos Militaris, Nova Caledonia
Nova Caledonia
Nova Caledonia

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