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[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 EmptySun Aug 28, 2011 12:38 pm by Darth GW7

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[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 EmptyTue Aug 16, 2011 7:01 pm by The Chairman

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[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 EmptyFri Aug 12, 2011 6:04 pm by TekrosW

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[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 EmptyThu Aug 11, 2011 9:00 am by The Chairman

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[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 EmptyThu Aug 04, 2011 12:50 pm by Darth GW7

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[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 EmptyWed Aug 03, 2011 10:09 am by The Chairman

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[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 EmptyWed Aug 03, 2011 9:41 am by The Chairman

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[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 EmptyTue Aug 02, 2011 9:59 am by The Chairman

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[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 EmptySun Jul 31, 2011 7:43 pm by The Chairman

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[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 T866fu

[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania

President Gan
Viktor Kasik
Darth GW7
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[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 Empty Re: [Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania

Post  Hippo Thu Mar 10, 2011 9:16 am

Jeniferia wrote:Back off Hippo or the full force of our might will be brought down on you like a hammer
We will not back down! The nnexation has a strong support among the people of Wokingham, and some corrupt dictatorship isn't going to stop it. Your petty threats do not scare the Hipponian people. If you do anything to harm the territorial integrity of Hippostania, I promise that you will pay.

But we both know that you can do nothing since your tiny criminal dictatorship is located so far away from the Republic of Hippostania. Good day to you, dear sir.

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[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 Empty Re: [Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania

Post  Jeniferia Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:06 am

Me a tiny nation say that to over 2 billion people compared to your measly population and your tyrannic demands

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[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 Empty Re: [Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania

Post  Hippo Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:18 am

Jeniferia wrote:Me a tiny nation say that to over 2 billion people compared to your measly population and your tyrannic demands
We have a population of almost 1.6 billion, and Hipponians are known for their desire to protect their homeland at all costs. We also have the second largest armed forces in Sermo. If we find one single Jeniferian paratrooper or a scout car inside Hippostania's borders, I promise that we will bomb your greatest cities to smoking piles of rubble.

Also, our demands aren't tyrannic. We're only listening to the will of the people. They want to join us, and the Nulenbundite goverment refuses to co-operate. A bunch of corrupt byrocrats isn't going to stop the establishment of the Autonomous Province of Nulenbundite Wokingham.

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[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 Empty Re: [Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania

Post  Viktor Kasik Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:27 am

It is time to get rid of that self-denial. Most of the people in Wokingham support the annexation, and those who do not can't even notice any difference since the province will stay billingual and have an autonomy. The only difference is that a different flag will fly over the city's police station. There are less than a handful of people who oppose the annexation, despite what your falsified newspapers say.

I think it is quite ironic that you say that, when you can't even tell the truth from lies and fiction in the Hipponian news.
Viktor Kasik
Viktor Kasik

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[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 Empty Re: [Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania

Post  Hippo Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:44 am

Viktor Kasik wrote:
It is time to get rid of that self-denial. Most of the people in Wokingham support the annexation, and those who do not can't even notice any difference since the province will stay billingual and have an autonomy. The only difference is that a different flag will fly over the city's police station. There are less than a handful of people who oppose the annexation, despite what your falsified newspapers say.

I think it is quite ironic that you say that, when you can't even tell the truth from lies and fiction in the Hipponian news.
It's better to have some lies among the truth than nothing but lies, like in the Nulenbundite newspapers. The interviews, the photos, the videos.. They all show that the people want to join Hippostania.

I think it's pretty obvious that you don't care about the will of the people at all. Unlike the Kyzlian goverment, your goverment can't make any compromises at all. All I am asking is that you would listen to voice of the people, and they want to secede.

This picture was taken this morning in Wokingham. The people are protesting against your goverment because you don't let them decide their own destiny. It's time to give up, these people aren't Nulenbundites. They're Hipponian.
[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 Annexation4

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[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 Empty Re: [Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania

Post  Jeniferia Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:51 am

The government of Nulenbund Our forces are mobilizing for military action if that is what you wish for say the word and our steel legions will move

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[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 Empty Re: [Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania

Post  Viktor Kasik Thu Mar 10, 2011 12:24 pm

Jeniferia wrote:The government of Nulenbund Our forces are mobilizing for military action if that is what you wish for say the word and our steel legions will move

We do not need any militaristic actions to be taken upon the Hippostanians, why have people die for something that does not need to end in bloodshed?

This picture was taken this morning in Wokingham. The people are protesting against your goverment because you don't let them decide their own destiny. It's time to give up, these people aren't Nulenbundites. They're Hipponian.

Strange, because we have pictures that show quite the opposite, of people living their daily lifes such as this one.

[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 Wokingham2
Viktor Kasik
Viktor Kasik

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[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 Empty Re: [Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania

Post  Hippo Thu Mar 10, 2011 12:27 pm

Hippostanian Armed Forces mobilizing
The chief of the armed forces of the Republic of Hippostania ordered the Hippostanian army, navy, air force and marine corps to begin immidiate mobilization due to the threat of Jeniferian attack. Curfew has been imposed on all major cities from 8pm to 6am. People who are part of the military reserve force are asked to report the nearest garrison HQ as soon as possible. General public and civilians are asked to remain calm. Minister of Defence reminds the goverment of Federation of Nulenbund that supporting a country that is threatening Hippostania and the Hipponian people will be dealt with extreme force
[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 F16

Also, that photo was taken sometime before 2006. The picture shows the Wokingham Police Station before renovation that was completed in 2006.

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[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 Empty Re: [Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania

Post  Viktor Kasik Thu Mar 10, 2011 12:37 pm

That is not the police station, that is restaurant near the markets, the police station is not the only place that is allowed to wave the Nulendbund flag, also we do not in any way support any military actions performed by Jeniferia. If and when the Hipponian military did move in to occupy the region specified, we were not going to deploy troops as point one, the Hippostanian military is many times more the size than our military and point two, we do not believe anyone should die for silly land claims because a much larger and powerful nation wants to bully it's small neighbor for land.
Viktor Kasik
Viktor Kasik

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[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 Empty Re: [Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania

Post  Hippo Thu Mar 10, 2011 1:08 pm

Viktor Kasik wrote:That is not the police station, that is restaurant near the markets, the police station is not the only place that is allowed to wave the Nulendbund flag, also we do not in any way support any military actions performed by Jeniferia. If and when the Hipponian military did move in to occupy the region specified, we were not going to deploy troops as point one, the Hippostanian military is many times more the size than our military and point two, we do not believe anyone should die for silly land claims because a lmuch larger and powerful nation wants to bully it's small neighbor for land.
The Hippostanian goverment is happy that the Nulenbundite goverment understands that no one needs to die, since I am sure that we can solve this crisis peacefully. We are not going to attack the Federation of Nulenbund unless provoked. However, we will continue the mobilization until the immidiate threat of Jeniferian invasion is over.

About the picture.. Of course there are no protestors in that picture because they are all in front of the city hall! I heard that they had to close off Martin Strteet, the largest street in Wokingham because there were so many protestors. You apparently managed to find the only Nulenbundite flag in Wokingham.. Unless you just dug that picture from the archives. It's quite easy to find pictures of calm streetscapes, you know?

Here's a more recent picture, taken about 3 hours ago.
[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 Wokingham

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[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 Empty Re: [Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania

Post  Viktor Kasik Thu Mar 10, 2011 1:27 pm

[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 Annexation3

Hopefully this works well enough for you and we can put an end to this bickering.
Viktor Kasik
Viktor Kasik

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[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 Empty Re: [Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania

Post  Premier Annenkov Thu Mar 10, 2011 4:22 pm

Just to remain clear and to assure that I understand the current proposal- The semi-independent state of Hipponian Serenia will remain (officially) under the control of the Democratic Republic of Kyzl. We will allow Hipponian Serenia to have its own government and delegate which will be introduced to Kyzl's cabinet.

Hipponian Serenia will have the following rights:
-The ability to have a semi-independent government (Will report to Kyzl)
-The ability to train and maintain a state militia/police force
-The ability to charge taxes (while still maintaining the minimum income required from the region)
-The ability to make laws and carry out punishments for the ones who break them
-The ability to make treaties with foreign nations (must be approved by Kyzl's cabinet first)
-The ability to construct public buildings and improvements to said buildings

However, Hipponian Serenia will not be able to do the following:
-Secede from the Democratic Republic of Kyzl
-Train and maintain an army
-Make unapproved treaties with foreign nations
-Destroy or change Kyzl's industrial facilities without approval from the cabinet first
Premier Annenkov
Premier Annenkov

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[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 Empty Re: [Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania

Post  Hippo Fri Mar 11, 2011 4:42 am

Yes. We recognize that Hipponian Serenia is a part of Kyzl, and we're happy that we managed to find a solution. However, the parliament is not totally satisfied with the Nulenbundian proposal, since some farmland and farmhouses owned by Hipponians would stay in the Federation of Nulenbund. So I have an another proposal.

[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 Proposal
Nulenbund will keep the Swindon Uranium Mine and all access roads that lead to it. However, some farmland that is totally unrelated to the mine is annexed into Hippostania.

Hippostanian Armed Forces demobilizing
Chief of the Armed Forces has ordered that the mobilization of the armed forces will be stopped and curfew is no longer in effect. The mobilization and curfew was announced less than 24 hours ago due to a threat of a Jeniferian invasion, but since the threat has now passed, continuing the mobilization was considered useless. It is expected that the demobilization of the armed forces is complete during the weekend, since only a small part of the Hippostanian armed forces had time to mobilize during the last 24 hours.

Hippostanian News, Quahog

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[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 Empty Re: [Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania

Post  Viktor Kasik Fri Mar 11, 2011 8:30 am

Hippo wrote:Yes. We recognize that Hipponian Serenia is a part of Kyzl, and we're happy that we managed to find a solution. However, the parliament is not totally satisfied with the Nulenbundian proposal, since some farmland and farmhouses owned by Hipponians would stay in the Federation of Nulenbund. So I have an another proposal.

[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 Proposal
Nulenbund will keep the Swindon Uranium Mine and all access roads that lead to it. However, some farmland that is totally unrelated to the mine is annexed into Hippostania.

As long as it puts an end to this silly bickering, this is fine with me.
Viktor Kasik
Viktor Kasik

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[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 Empty Re: [Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania

Post  Hippo Fri Mar 11, 2011 9:04 am

Viktor Kasik wrote:
As long as it puts an end to this silly bickering, this is fine with me.
That's wonderful! The crisis is solved then!

Wokingham is coming back home!
The High Chanellor of the Republic of Hippostania has declared the saturday 12.3 as an official national holiday and a flag day in celebration of the annexation of Wokinghamshire. A large military parade was held in Wokingham as the Hipponian Army marched into the city after the Goverment of Nulenbund announced that it will accept the annexation. ''People were waving flags, everyone are so happy'' describes Michael Aldgate who was following the military parade in Wokingham. At midday, the Nulenbundian flag was ceremonially lowered from the spire of Wokingham City Hall, and the new flag of the Autonomous Province of Wokinghamshire was raised. Here are some pictures from Quahog, the capital of Hippostania, Wokingham and Cherkasy, the capital of Kyzl

[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 Serenia1

[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 Serenia2
People wave the flags of the Autonomous Province of Hipponian Serenia in Cherkasy. Earlier today, the goverment of Kyzl reported that it accepted to Hipponian proposal to establish an autonomous province for the Hipponians.

[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 Wokinghamshirec
Hipponian Air Force jets do a fly-by over the Freedom Square in Quahog

[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 Wokinghamshireb
Hipponian Army tanks cross the former border into Wokingham, with thousands of cheering onlookers escorting them

[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 Wokinghamshire
A man raising the new Wokinghamshire flag

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[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 Empty Re: [Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania

Post  Darth GW7 Fri Mar 11, 2011 12:46 pm

Frenzland is not satisfied with this outcome.
It believes that all the claims and "Evidence" brought up by Hippostania are fabricated.
We are beginning a full investigation into the circumstances.

Frenzland, being neighbours with Hippostania and near-neighbours to Nulenbund, is severely disappointed with the childish behaviour from Hippostania.
Contrariwise, it admires the stance taken by Nulenbund in fighting for a workable compromise. However, it seems that they have been forced to take the short end of the stick.

Frenzland will be providing aid and support for the cities and people affected by this change in borders. This loss of agricultural land and some of its vital uranium mines to the Hippostanian imperialists will surely cause great harm to the nation.

Frenzland's actions so far:
Several shipments of food supplies are being airlifted from nearby airfields.
We are cutting off all uranium exports to Hippostania. You clearly have no more need for our economical support, and we have no desire to further fuel your military appetite.
Immigration from Hippostania is being closely monitored and screened.
Darth GW7
Darth GW7

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Location : Deanor, Frenzland

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[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 Empty Re: [Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania

Post  Hippo Fri Mar 11, 2011 1:25 pm

Darth GW7 wrote:Frenzland is not satisfied with this outcome.
It believes that all the claims and "Evidence" brought up by Hippostania are fabricated.
We are beginning a full investigation into the circumstances.

Frenzland, being neighbours with Hippostania and near-neighbours to Nulenbund, is severely disappointed with the childish behaviour from Hippostania.
Contrariwise, it admires the stance taken by Nulenbund in fighting for a workable compromise. However, it seems that they have been forced to take the short end of the stick.

Frenzland will be providing aid and support for the cities and people affected by this change in borders. This loss of agricultural land and some of its vital uranium mines to the Hippostanian imperialists will surely cause great harm to the nation.

Frenzland's actions so far:
Several shipments of food supplies are being airlifted from nearby airfields.
We are cutting off all uranium exports to Hippostania. You clearly have no more need for our economical support, and we have no desire to further fuel your military appetite.
Immigration from Hippostania is being closely monitored and screened.
Hippostanian goverment is disappointed with the reaction of the Frenzlandian goverment. People wanted this, you can't deny it. There are so many pictures of the protests, you can't say that they are all fake, digitally edited or something like that.

In the response to the Frenzland's aggressive actions,
-Extremely heavy security checks will be in place on the Hippostanian-Frenzlandian border until further notice.
-All mineral exports from Frenzland, such as iron, steel, copper, uranium, gold and silver will be cut off until further notice. Since your economy is in such a bad state, this will have a significant effect on Frenzlandian economy.

If you do not allow our uranium exports to continue, we will have to widen the range of banned imports. The parliament is also considering the deporation of all Frenzlandian nationals from Hippostania, closure of the Hippostanian embassy in Frenzlandia and a total closure of Frenzlandian-Hippostanian border.

I advice you to discuss the matter with your goverment. We hope that we can continue buying Frenzlandian uranium soon.

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Location : Waverley, Hippostania

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[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 Empty Re: [Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania

Post  Darth GW7 Fri Mar 11, 2011 1:48 pm

Frenzland is outraged by the aggression shown by Hippostania.
We urge all other nations to take a look at the nature of Hippostania, and of its leaders, and decide: Can we, will we, should we stand for this?
We call your bluff, Hippostania. We are nationalising all hippostanian enterprises within Frenzland borders. Exports to Hippostania are put on hold indefinitely, with the exception of the basic food supplies.
These are a major export from Frenzland, primarily because we are a mainly vegetarian nation. Your people can't seem to get enough of our organically raised meat products. Perhaps it is because your meat is contaminated by the congealed filth of all your industry.
These organic foods will be subject to a greatly increased tariff, but will continue to be exported. For the time being.

Frenzland sends a call to all other nations of Sermo to impose similar embargos on this aggressive nation. We must not tolerate aggression of this kind.
Darth GW7
Darth GW7

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[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 Empty Re: [Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania

Post  Hippo Fri Mar 11, 2011 2:01 pm

Darth GW7 wrote:Frenzland is outraged by the aggression shown by Hippostania.
We urge all other nations to take a look at the nature of Hippostania, and of its leaders, and decide: Can we, will we, should we stand for this?
We call your bluff, Hippostania. We are nationalising all hippostanian enterprises within Frenzland borders. Exports to Hippostania are put on hold indefinitely, with the exception of the basic food supplies.
These are a major export from Frenzland, primarily because we are a mainly vegetarian nation. Your people can't seem to get enough of our organically raised meat products. Perhaps it is because your meat is contaminated by the congealed filth of all your industry.
These organic foods will be subject to a greatly increased tariff, but will continue to be exported. For the time being.

Frenzland sends a call to all other nations of Sermo to impose similar embargos on this aggressive nation. We must not tolerate aggression of this kind.
We could close all borders with Frenzlandia, nationalize all Frenzlandian corporations inside Hippostania, cut off all exports from Frenzlandia and deport all Frenzlandians from Hippostania. But you know what? We're not going to do that. Hipponian people have gone through a lot during the last few days, and we don't need any more aggression. As a sign of friendship, we will allow Frenzlandian minerals to be exported to Hippostania again, and we will also discontinue the strict security check on the Hippostanian-Frenzlandian border.

This is to show that we're not evil imperialistic monsters. We want peace, just like you. We just reacted to your action of cutting off all uranium exports. It was overreacting, but it was done in a hurry. We hope that we can solve this crisis peacefully too, there's no need to ruin anyone's economy and much less start a bloodshed.

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Location : Waverley, Hippostania

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[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 Empty Re: [Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania

Post  Cisco Zarandin Fri Mar 11, 2011 3:07 pm

Fantastic. Can this officially classified under "Resolved" now?
Cisco Zarandin
Cisco Zarandin

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[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 Empty Re: [Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania

Post  Premier Annenkov Fri Mar 11, 2011 4:34 pm

"It is a great day for all people of Kyzl and Hipponia." Said the Democratic Republic of Kyzl's leader, Premier Annenkov. "With the formation of the Republic of Hipponian Serenia, we are ensuring the well-being of joint Hipponian and Kyzl citizens. The government here in Kyzl eagerly awaits the outcome of Hipponian Serenia's first national election. Kyzl will give the new government all support that it requires and it is our utmost hope that the transition to an autonomous state is a smooth one. We owe our thanks to both our diplomats and those of Hipponia to arrive at an agreement peacefully. And with this, I, as Premier of the Democratic Republic of Kyzl, officially announce the creation of a new, autonomous, state!"
Premier Annenkov
Premier Annenkov

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[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 Empty Re: [Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania

Post  Hippo Sun Mar 13, 2011 12:12 am

Cisco Zarandin wrote:Fantastic. Can this officially classified under "Resolved" now?
Yes, pretty much. When will we see these border changes in the map?

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[Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania - Page 2 Empty Re: [Demand] Annexation of the Northwestern Plateau & Coastal Serenia into Hippostania

Post  Cisco Zarandin Sun Mar 13, 2011 4:41 am

Hippo wrote:
Cisco Zarandin wrote:Fantastic. Can this officially classified under "Resolved" now?
Yes, pretty much. When will we see these border changes in the map?

Soon. So many nations just recently joined. I have to expand it.
Cisco Zarandin
Cisco Zarandin

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