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Synavia begins importing the F-22 Raptor EmptySun Aug 28, 2011 12:38 pm by Darth GW7

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Synavia begins importing the F-22 Raptor EmptyTue Aug 16, 2011 7:01 pm by The Chairman

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Synavia begins importing the F-22 Raptor EmptyFri Aug 12, 2011 6:04 pm by TekrosW

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Synavia begins importing the F-22 Raptor EmptyThu Aug 11, 2011 9:00 am by The Chairman

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Synavia begins importing the F-22 Raptor EmptyThu Aug 04, 2011 12:50 pm by Darth GW7

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Synavia begins importing the F-22 Raptor EmptyWed Aug 03, 2011 10:09 am by The Chairman

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Synavia begins importing the F-22 Raptor EmptyWed Aug 03, 2011 9:41 am by The Chairman

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Synavia begins importing the F-22 Raptor EmptyTue Aug 02, 2011 9:59 am by The Chairman

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Synavia begins importing the F-22 Raptor EmptySun Jul 31, 2011 7:43 pm by The Chairman

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Synavia begins importing the F-22 Raptor

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Synavia begins importing the F-22 Raptor Empty Synavia begins importing the F-22 Raptor

Post  The Chairman Tue Jun 28, 2011 11:17 am

Synavia's military is heavily focused on the Air Force, with approximately 40% of funds going to that cause. However, our range of aircraft has been painfully limited, mostly comprising of third-generation fighters designed in the seventies (with the minor exception of the F-35 Lightning II). However, starting next week, Synavia will begin importing the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor, arguably the best production fighter aircraft in the world. Unfortunately, the United States has a policy of not exporting F-22's. Luckily, we were able to circumvent this by striking a deal that we were to pay 10% more than the usual price. We are expected to import 60 in the next four weeks. A military commander said:

Dette er en fantastisk mulighet for militære vår. F-22 Raptor vil tillate oss å slå til med større presisjon, kraft og stealth enn noensinne. (Translation: This is a fantastic opportunity for our military. The F-22 Raptor will allow us to strike with greater precision, power, and stealth than ever before.)

We hope this will be a good addition to our military.
The Chairman
The Chairman

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Join date : 2011-03-22
Age : 48
Location : Cordopolis, Cordonis

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Synavia begins importing the F-22 Raptor Empty Re: Synavia begins importing the F-22 Raptor

Post  Baelgaria Tue Jun 28, 2011 11:53 am

Okay, spend a lot of money on a bunch of stuff that will be taken away from you soon.

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Synavia begins importing the F-22 Raptor Empty Re: Synavia begins importing the F-22 Raptor

Post  Hippo Tue Jun 28, 2011 11:58 am

I'm don't thnik F-22 is classified as a long-range bomber.
Anyway, F-22's are pretty useless. They require perfect weather to be stealthy and are very expensive to maintain. That's why Hippostania only operates 300 F-22's

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Synavia begins importing the F-22 Raptor Empty Re: Synavia begins importing the F-22 Raptor

Post  The Chairman Wed Jun 29, 2011 8:27 am

We will still use F-14's for the majority of missions, but we are trying to slowly phase this antique fighter out.
The Chairman
The Chairman

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Join date : 2011-03-22
Age : 48
Location : Cordopolis, Cordonis

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