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Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER- T866fu

Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER-

Vincent Mandelson
Prime Minister Siluan
Viktor Kasik
Nicola Burlef
Darth GW7
Anaru Petera
Hannibal Satelitos
Cisco Zarandin
Inyk Aineastap
15 posters

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Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER- Empty Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER-

Post  Soalma Wed Mar 02, 2011 11:51 pm

The Senate of Soalma has voted to propose the following Act in Sermo's regional Senate. The act is of great importance to the Soalman people, who are still recovering from a bloody civil war, and are constantly uncovering unaccounted-for anti-personnel mines across the country. Nearly ten Soalmans are killed each month by the rogue mines, and many more are killed by IEDs and traps which are not addressed in this proposal because they are harder to control.

Enact "Sermo Anti-Personnel Mine Permanent Removal Act [SAMPRA]"

Resolution SS#003

Proposed by: Senate of Soalma (Endorsed by President of Soalma)

Description: To outlaw the use, manufacture, purchase, sale, distribution, and possession of Anti-Personnel Mines by any government or private enterprise across the region of Sermo.


NOTING that Sermo is a peaceful region.

ACKNOWLEDGING that a defensive force is desirable in even the most peaceful of regions.

BELIEVING that Anti-Personnel Mines are not necessary tools for proper defense of a region and that they cause undue harm to both enemy and friendly combatants and civilians.

The Sermo Senate hereby enacts resolution #003, "Sermo Anti-Personnel Mine Permanent Removal Act."

Soalma's official standing on Res. #003 - FOR

Discussions shall close on 3/5/11 at 00:00 GMT.

Voting shall start 3/5/11 at 00:01 GMT 0 and last 24 hours.

Last edited by Soalma on Sat Mar 05, 2011 11:06 am; edited 1 time in total

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Location : Nugha, Soalma

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Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER- Empty Re: Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER-

Post  Inyk Aineastap Thu Mar 03, 2011 12:25 am

I don't believe there will be any debate against this proposal as it seems there are no clear consequences in passing such regulations. The nation of Pharapalac backs this proposal fully.
Inyk Aineastap
Inyk Aineastap

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Location : District of the Raƫl, Pharapalac

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Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER- Empty Re: Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER-

Post  Cisco Zarandin Thu Mar 03, 2011 12:42 am

Ocasus supports this proposal.

Violence is never the answer. The Ocasian people learned that the hard way many years ago. Let us instead of violence, settle our problems like human beings with diplomacy.

We don't need to spend our tax payer's money on such useless things.

I support this proposal tenfold.
Cisco Zarandin
Cisco Zarandin

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Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER- Empty Re: Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER-

Post  Hannibal Satelitos Thu Mar 03, 2011 1:24 am

I am afraid my nation needs to discuss this further, as landmines are an essential product of Lena-Rutland economy. The government has just invested a few more millions in landmine factories.
If we come to a decision, I'll be sure to update you on it.
Hannibal Satelitos
Hannibal Satelitos

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Location : Meyer District, Lena-Rutland

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Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER- Empty Re: Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER-

Post  Hippo Thu Mar 03, 2011 2:38 am

Republic of Hippostania fully supports this proposition. Anti-personell mines will still be in place years after the conflict has ended, and they can cause huge numbers of civilian casualties. Death by exploding is also a very inhumane way to die, even for soldiers.

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Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER- Empty Re: Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER-

Post  Anaru Petera Thu Mar 03, 2011 6:48 am

The Government of Ausprimria fully supports this proposal. We feel as though there is nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Anaru Petera
Anaru Petera

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Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER- Empty Re: Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER-

Post  Hannibal Satelitos Thu Mar 03, 2011 7:40 am

After much discussion, we in the House of the People have come to the agreement that Lena-Rutland is against this resolution.
We feel that this resolution has no basis on truth and that landmines are not dangerous whatsoever to the populations of Sermo.
Member of Parliament J. Van Zeller put it best: "Landmines don't kill people. People who walk over landmines die".
This resolution is simply another try by foreign goverments to harm the economy of Lena-Rutland, after the attempted standardization of the Seero. We will not stand silent to this shameless display of xenophobia and indifference. Certainly, the factory worker who sustains his family practicing his art in the Landmine-O and Caboom factories does not need to be penalized. If any of the nations of Sermo want this prohibition to pass, they can and should do with their own Congressmen. I hope I don't need to remind you of the great contribution the Lena-Rutland people make in landmine exports to your home countries, do I?
Hannibal Satelitos
Hannibal Satelitos

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Location : Meyer District, Lena-Rutland

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Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER- Empty Re: Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER-

Post  Soalma Thu Mar 03, 2011 9:26 am

Hannibal Satelitos wrote:After much discussion, we in the House of the People have come to the agreement that Lena-Rutland is against this resolution.
We feel that this resolution has no basis on truth and that landmines are not dangerous whatsoever to the populations of Sermo.
Member of Parliament J. Van Zeller put it best: "Landmines don't kill people. People who walk over landmines die".
This resolution is simply another try by foreign goverments to harm the economy of Lena-Rutland, after the attempted standardization of the Seero. We will not stand silent to this shameless display of xenophobia and indifference. Certainly, the factory worker who sustains his family practicing his art in the Landmine-O and Caboom factories does not need to be penalized. If any of the nations of Sermo want this prohibition to pass, they can and should do with their own Congressmen. I hope I don't need to remind you of the great contribution the Lena-Rutland people make in landmine exports to your home countries, do I?

I am somewhat shocked that a nation of Sermo so blindly defends these instruments of not only death, but terrible pain as well. I regret that your Parliament did not see it before, but hopefully if this proposal passes they will wise up and consider converting your landmine factories into something more useful.

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Location : Nugha, Soalma

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Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER- Empty Re: Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER-

Post  Darth GW7 Thu Mar 03, 2011 10:36 am

Frenzland fully supports this proposal.
Mines are a frankly barbaric means for defense, and they remain in areas for huge periods of time without being discovered.
If forgotten about and not removed, which is usually the case in areas taken by civil war, Soalma being the most appropriate example, it is highly probably that innocent civilians will stumble upon them, causing injury and death.

Frenzland is a peaceful nation, but recognises that some nations require the possession of various weapons and arms; however, landmines are more of a hazard to the innocent populace than to opposing forces, and therefore Frenzland wholly believes that the use of landmines should be severely restricted, if not banned completely.
Darth GW7
Darth GW7

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Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER- Empty Re: Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER-

Post  Nicola Burlef Thu Mar 03, 2011 10:48 am

Tarmadia sees no reason to go against this proposal for many of the reasons given previously by other nations.
However, we recognise that some nation's economies may rely on production of such weapons. While we disagree with the production of such damaging weaponry for profit, we understand that the lives of countless factory workers would potentially be devastated by the outlawing of their industry.
We would see it best if the proposal were modified to allow a certain number of years for such nations to prepare for the industry's cessation, with immediate effect bans on use by countries in the region but the cut off date being for exported units.
Nicola Burlef
Nicola Burlef

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Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER- Empty Re: Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER-

Post  Viktor Kasik Thu Mar 03, 2011 2:09 pm

Nulendbund supports the passing of this act. Nulendbund landmine factories will be converted into Nulendbund Beef based agricultural buildings and other ways that may stimulate the private sector of Nulendbund.
Viktor Kasik
Viktor Kasik

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Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER- Empty Re: Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER-

Post  Prime Minister Siluan Thu Mar 03, 2011 2:36 pm

Ordovichia fully supports this proposal, we cannot even think of a valid argument to defend these barbaric weapons of war.
Prime Minister Siluan
Prime Minister Siluan

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Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER- Empty Re: Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER-

Post  Vincent Mandelson Thu Mar 03, 2011 2:45 pm

The council of Tornnes is in full agreement with this proposal.
Vincent Mandelson
Vincent Mandelson

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Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER- Empty Re: Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER-

Post  Grand Administrator Crude Thu Mar 03, 2011 3:04 pm

The Empire of Baclav accepts this resolution - We do not have any mines nor do we need any. Will be adapted into the Books of Definition accordingly.

This post has been redundantly approved as defined in 10.A.1 by Grand Administrator Crude, this post is thus informal and is to be translated (10.A.2) by the acolytes of the Leading party.
Grand Administrator Crude
Grand Administrator Crude

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Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER- Empty Re: Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER-

Post  Soalma Thu Mar 03, 2011 4:11 pm

Nicola Burlef wrote:However, we recognise that some nation's economies may rely on production of such weapons. While we disagree with the production of such damaging weaponry for profit, we understand that the lives of countless factory workers would potentially be devastated by the outlawing of their industry.
We would see it best if the proposal were modified to allow a certain number of years for such nations to prepare for the industry's cessation, with immediate effect bans on use by countries in the region but the cut off date being for exported units.
I can understand your point here. If the current proposal fails due to the exclusion of such a clause, I will propose it again to include a phase-out clause to allow time for countries to adjust to the ban. I also believe, however, that if this proposal does pass, while the manufacturers of the mines will be temporarily out of business, I see no reason why they cannot convert their factories to be able to produce other products.

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Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER- Empty Re: Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER-

Post  Premier Annenkov Thu Mar 03, 2011 9:45 pm

The government of the Democratic Republic of Kyzl has not yet reached a decision. We support this proposition if it only applies to purely anti-personnel mines and stationary explosives. However, if this proposal also covers landmines that are meant for use against armored targets and hostile vehicles, we must withdraw our support.
Premier Annenkov
Premier Annenkov

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Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER- Empty Re: Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER-

Post  Soalma Thu Mar 03, 2011 10:26 pm

The Act only covers anti-personnel mines. Anti-armor and other such mines are not addressed because they are generally not as hazardous, and they would be much harder to ban because many countries do find them to be more vital to their nation's defense.

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Location : Nugha, Soalma

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Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER- Empty Re: Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER-

Post  Darth GW7 Fri Mar 04, 2011 12:55 pm

Mines of any sort are prone to an explosion of sorts, and are thus a danger to innocent civilians.

The main issue with mines is not their explosive nature, but rather the way that they are laid hidden in the ground, where no one is aware of their presence. Here they may lay forgotten for decades, centuries, until one day a small child comes along and steps on the once-dormant mine, and then in a flash an innocent life is lost.
Darth GW7
Darth GW7

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Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER- Empty Re: Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER-

Post  Brunii Fri Mar 04, 2011 2:45 pm

It must be noted that anti-tank mines generally cannot be detonated by anything but a tank. They are specifically designed to detonate under extreme pressure, which cannot be exerted by a person or even a large truck. Noting that antipersonnel mines are not crucial to the national defense of Brunii, especially in a peaceful region like Sermo, we are in support of this proposal.

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Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER- Empty Re: Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER-

Post  Supreme Lord Blanchard Fri Mar 04, 2011 8:48 pm

The removal of landmines completely from warfare, is not only unnecessary regulations, but will affect the economy negatively. As stated before, several countries require the construction of landmines, as they are a staple to their economy.

Yes, landmines do kill citizens in Sermo. Outlawing it will stop it, however, only if the country chooses to abide by it. Countries, instead of banning them completely, should instead require their engineers to mark their positions into a global database, not only assisting the armies, but assisting the cleanup of the mines and saving countless lives, while ensuring the smoothness of warfare.

Greater Sermo is AGAINST this proposal.
Supreme Lord Blanchard
Supreme Lord Blanchard

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Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER- Empty Re: Proposal to Ban Anti-Personnel Mines -DISCUSSION OVER-

Post  Soalma Fri Mar 04, 2011 9:54 pm

Supreme Lord Blanchard wrote: The removal of landmines completely from warfare, is not only unnecessary regulations, but will affect the economy negatively. As stated before, several countries require the construction of landmines, as they are a staple to their economy.

Yes, landmines do kill citizens in Sermo. Outlawing it will stop it, however, only if the country chooses to abide by it. Countries, instead of banning them completely, should instead require their engineers to mark their positions into a global database, not only assisting the armies, but assisting the cleanup of the mines and saving countless lives, while ensuring the smoothness of warfare.

Greater Sermo is AGAINST this proposal.
As a general safety measure, a complete ban of anti-personnel mines is sufficient at least temporarily. The government of Sermo would welcome a proposal in the future legalizing the use of anti-personnel mines if they are entered into a system I am sure, but they currently are not.

I personally would think that such an extensive system would be too much work for what little payoff is actually received for the use of these mines in the event of a war. Soalma and many other nations have simply seen too much tragedy as a result of these explosive devices that are used with the sole intent of killing people. Not to destroy weapons of war such as tanks, but to maim and kill human beings. The Soalman Civil War saw countless atrocities, many of which can't be prevented through legislation, but we hope that the use of these instruments of death will stop with the passage of this Act.

And if a country in the region of Sermo decides to continue with the production or use of landmines after this act has been passed, the government of Sermo promises that it will push for economic sanctions against that country.

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Location : Nugha, Soalma

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