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Operation Reliant - Peacekeeping Deployments

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Operation Reliant - Peacekeeping Deployments Empty Operation Reliant - Peacekeeping Deployments

Post  Avin Triumvirate Thu Mar 31, 2011 12:54 pm

Operation Reliant - Peacekeeping Deployments amid Governmentally Insecure Ex-Nations

Considering the recent economic implosion amid a rather alarming number of midlands countries, the Triumvirate has decided to enact a program of support and reconstruction for those affected in stages. Unfortunately with assets already deployed to assist in such for Jeniferia, we will be unable to extend this program to more than a single country at a time. As a result of geographical constraints, the unstable-country of Lena-Rutland has been selected as the first to receive aid. We currently have forces underway to initiate peacekeeping operations amid the population to ensure a state of law rather than anarchy, and to provide a stable platform to begin the process of reforming the government.

In addition to this, elements of the Navy have been deployed to Vigil Islands to continue the operation amid even their unfortunate colony. We must state that this is not simply a ‘land-grab’, but instead an attempt to reach out and assist those affected by the political-economic bust in the midlands.

We hope the international community will understand our method.

31st March, 2011 , 1624 hrs (Novian Mean Time) / 7th Avinistratus Airborne Brigade, 1st Mechanised Battalion, A Company, 2nd Platoon, Beta-Actual - Part of Avinistratus Airborne Forces deploying within the ‘Lena-Rutland’ area.

It was an awe-inspiring sight, to be perfectly honest.

Three of the massive BE-2500 Ekranoplanes were lined up along the shoreline, unloading ramps open and each letting free a stream of armoured vehicles. The poor sods who’d deployed to Jeniferia hadn’t received this sort of luxury, the fact that ‘Lena-Rutland’, as it’d was called was on the verge of dissolving amid a rush of fleeing government officials and economic claptrap rather than declared a war tended to help.

‘Course, considering that they were a flipped Mechanised Company deploying on the coastline people might assume otherwise, in reality that was simply because a mechanised company offered the best combination of transport and capability for a peacekeeping operation like this.

They’d have to deploy fast, keep the Rutlandians from going all anarchic and forming their own little sub-states. Then would begin the long process of rebuilding from the ground up… Same as in Nexodus really, save that here they hopefully wouldn’t have those kekking rebels, and they certainly weren’t the Auxiliaries’ that’d used every tool at their disposal to wipe the Nexies from the face of the continent, they were civilised Avinistratans, after all.

“Ma’am, Blue-Section requests permission to go off ahead and make some inroads, scope the leading edge and all that.”

Beta-Actual turned to face her subordinate, nodding at the request from a knowingly rather impatient Blue section and considering just what her superior might say if she allowed it…

“Tell them to move on ahead Sergeant, we’ve got a lot of work to get done here after all, and I’m sure first-plat’ can secure the perimeter just fine, don’t you?”

The Platoon Sergeant replied with a smirk and a mere hint of a salute as he brushed the tan beret from his head.

“I’ll get ‘em moving then, see you at the FOB Leftenant.”

And with that the Platoon Sergeant scurried off back to one of the three sections that made up Second Platoon, just one amid the four brigades being deployed on this peacekeeping expedition. The Strykers would be cramped amid all the extra supplies they were carrying, but then they'd have to secure and mark LZs for the camp-gear to be dropped further inland. The BE-2500s couldn't carry everything, after all.

Operation Reliant - Peacekeeping Deployments LenaDeployment

Operation Reliant - Peacekeeping Deployments ANV-Bastion
- Avinistratus Amphibious Warfare Vessel Bastion, en route with her Task Group to the Vigil Islands.
Avin Triumvirate
Avin Triumvirate

Posts : 70
Join date : 2011-03-01
Location : Nova, Avinistratus

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Operation Reliant - Peacekeeping Deployments Empty Re: Operation Reliant - Peacekeeping Deployments

Post  Avin Triumvirate Wed Apr 06, 2011 10:37 am

With the expected collapse of Lena-Rutland as a nationstate, the Triumvirate approved the pre-deployed forces of the various military services to begin their peacekeeping and humanitarian operations within the regions of the once-country. These pre-positioned forces were chosen with the aim to ensure that not only can control be maintained and restored within the country, but also to provide supplies and assistance where need to the population until an element of the Avinistratus government can be placed with control over the region to provide a stable basis from which can be worked to the re-establishment of Lena-Rutland as either an independant state, a protectorate of Avinistratus, or possibly a series of smaller states depending upon the will of the populace.

Operation Reliant - Peacekeeping Deployments 7thAirBrigStrykeronOverwatch
- 1st Mech Bal/A Comp Stryker, operating as overwatch over a Rutlandian motorway.

6th April, 2011 , 1300 hrs (Novian Mean Time) / 7th Avinistratus Airborne Brigade, 1st Mechanised Battalion, A Company, 2nd Platoon, Blue Section - Part of Avinistratus Airborne Forces undergoing peacekeeping efforts within the ‘Lena-Rutland’ area.

“Y’know, this is turning out to be a lot more boring than I’d expected.”

Operation Reliant had officially gotten underway a mere six hours before, and yet already the perpetually-eager Blue Section of 2nd Platoon had discovered just what their deployment was going to be full of.

In their case, they were positioned upon the outskirts of a Lena-Rutlandian city, holding down the fort while the rest of the platoon moved onwards and in to attempt to settle an appreciable measure of control in cooperation with whatever fraction of the local authorities remained after the complete political-economic collapse of the country.

It didn’t seem too bad so far from what they could see, the trains were still running, cars on the motorways and petrol in the pumps, yet… There was the feeling of standing upon the verge of the deep, that at any moment it might finally sink in that ‘Hey guys, the government collapsed!’. They were here to prevent that after all, or at the very least get it under control as quick as they could.

The Strykers in the leading wave weren’t too overloaded, aside from the long-term supplies for such an operation like this, the Vikings coming up afterwards though, sacrificed troop capacity instead to pack in more of the bare essentials that the Rutlandians might need should a state of anarchy break out. This meant they’d kinda skimped on the heavier gear, but as long as they didn’t get into any heavy-armoured combat, their integral fire support should be enough to see them through.

“Aye, but I’d rather it stayed this way, wouldn’t you?”

Operation Reliant - Peacekeeping Deployments 7thAirBrigVikingSupplyRun
- 7th Airborne Brigade Viking ATV, transporting supplies through Ex-Lena-Rutland.

6th April, 2011 , 1700 hrs (Novian Mean Time) / 2nd Avinistratus Amphibious Brigade, 1st Naval Infantry Battalion, A Company, 3rd Platoon, Green Section - Part of Avinistratus Naval Forces undergoing deployment upon the Vigil Islands.

Operation Reliant - Peacekeeping Deployments BastionofftheVigilCoast
- Avinistratus Naval Vessel Bastion, pictured off the Vigil Islands with the famous Davon Lighthouse in view.

The flight-deck of the ANV Bastion was abuzz with activity, helicopters laden with troops and supplies slung beneath their airframes were lifting off, ferrying their cargo both living and inert too and fro between the various vessels which made up Task Group Bastion and the now orphaned Vigil Islands. There wasn’t as much hustle as might have been required for a landing to be made under wartime conditions, but even without heavy support vehicles to be shunted underneath the helicopters, the spare supplies being shipped in more than made up with their bulk.

All of those made obstacles for the troops to avoid as they loaded up into the various Sea Kings and Merlins, although it likely wouldn’t be required they all had to bring in the standard-issue combat gear anyway. While the overall operation wasn’t going to interfere too badly with the indigenous population beyond co-ordination and supply distribution, there were one or two parts that might be disputed, but they were rather essential.

Take 3rd Platoons job amid this quite nicely sized op for example, they were to secure the hangar facilities upon the primary airport, just one link in the chain of objectives which would lead to an entire company being assigned their own parts in the events to come. Once the primary air facilities had been secured and the rest were in the process of being brought under control, then the airlift from the Heartlands could be underway, and even more troops and supplies brought in to secure the control.

If anything could be said about this operation, the Vigil Islands certainly wouldn’t starve for lack of food at the least.

Operation Reliant - Peacekeeping Deployments BastionandVirtuevisittheVigils
Amphibious Warfare Vessels Bastion and Virtue unloading their complements by the Vigil's capital city.

In addition, at least one Avinistratus Task Group has been seen operating off the coast of the once-country of Valkry...

Operation Reliant - Peacekeeping Deployments TaskGroupCyclops
- Recently obtained picture of Avinistratus Naval Task Group Cyclops, off the Valkyrian coast.
Avin Triumvirate
Avin Triumvirate

Posts : 70
Join date : 2011-03-01
Location : Nova, Avinistratus

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