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The People's Republic of Sovereign Rulers: Appeal to construct nuclear weaponry EmptySun Aug 28, 2011 12:38 pm by Darth GW7

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The People's Republic of Sovereign Rulers: Appeal to construct nuclear weaponry EmptyThu Aug 04, 2011 12:50 pm by Darth GW7

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The People's Republic of Sovereign Rulers: Appeal to construct nuclear weaponry

Darth GW7
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The People's Republic of Sovereign Rulers: Appeal to construct nuclear weaponry Empty The People's Republic of Sovereign Rulers: Appeal to construct nuclear weaponry

Post  Soros Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:37 am

The people of the sovereign fear for their lives and the future of their newly formed socialist paradise as the constant threat of an externally supported counterrevolution or imperialist occupation weighs heavily in the air. Our military, while disciplined and well-trained, does not compare to the advanced technology and vast numbers available to our developed neighbours. In the case of an invasion we would be sitting ducks, however there is a solution.

Recent discoveries has revealed large amounts of uranium in our mountains which allows the construction of nuclear weaponry. Having nuclear weapons at our disposal would ensure our safety and force potential attackers to think twice before invading, but alas, nuclear weapons are prohibited in Sermo. Hence why I am writing this appeal for an exception to the rule, at least till our great nation has built up a military capable of fending off potential threats.

In the Republic of Sovereign Rulers, we value the respect of our neighbours highly and thus I, Soros, can assure you that we would never initialize the construction without your permit.

Best Regards, fellow Sermonians

Sovereign Ruler Soros

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The People's Republic of Sovereign Rulers: Appeal to construct nuclear weaponry Empty Re: The People's Republic of Sovereign Rulers: Appeal to construct nuclear weaponry

Post  Darth GW7 Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:13 am

I oppose this. Nothing personal.
Darth GW7
Darth GW7

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The People's Republic of Sovereign Rulers: Appeal to construct nuclear weaponry Empty Re: The People's Republic of Sovereign Rulers: Appeal to construct nuclear weaponry

Post  Baelgaria Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:53 pm

No, we banned nuclear weapons for a reason.

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The People's Republic of Sovereign Rulers: Appeal to construct nuclear weaponry Empty Re: The People's Republic of Sovereign Rulers: Appeal to construct nuclear weaponry

Post  TekrosW Sat Jun 04, 2011 2:45 am

Soros, I believe it would be both in your interest and in Sermo's that you cease research into nuclear weapons and instead redirect it into peaceful ventures.

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The People's Republic of Sovereign Rulers: Appeal to construct nuclear weaponry Empty Re: The People's Republic of Sovereign Rulers: Appeal to construct nuclear weaponry

Post  The Chairman Sat Jun 04, 2011 8:27 am

No, Soros. Just no.
The Chairman
The Chairman

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The People's Republic of Sovereign Rulers: Appeal to construct nuclear weaponry Empty Re: The People's Republic of Sovereign Rulers: Appeal to construct nuclear weaponry

Post  Darth GW7 Sat Jun 04, 2011 10:23 am

Don't let the research go to waste, you can use it to make nuclear power. That should solve any energy problems you have and so give you more money.
Darth GW7
Darth GW7

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Location : Deanor, Frenzland

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The People's Republic of Sovereign Rulers: Appeal to construct nuclear weaponry Empty Re: The People's Republic of Sovereign Rulers: Appeal to construct nuclear weaponry

Post  Soros Sat Jun 04, 2011 12:45 pm

I am dissappointed to learn that my appeal has been disapproved, but I can also see why looking at the past wars of Sermo. Our country will use the uranium to construct nuclear power facilities instead. However, the problem still remains. How will we survive when imperialists such as Hippostania treathen our slice of heaven? My people demands action!

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Location : Sorosgrad, People's Republic of Sovereign Rulers

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The People's Republic of Sovereign Rulers: Appeal to construct nuclear weaponry Empty Re: The People's Republic of Sovereign Rulers: Appeal to construct nuclear weaponry

Post  Darth GW7 Sat Jun 04, 2011 2:12 pm

we suggest a large wall with uranium embedded inside it so that it irradiates anyone who breaks it down
Darth GW7
Darth GW7

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Location : Deanor, Frenzland

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The People's Republic of Sovereign Rulers: Appeal to construct nuclear weaponry Empty Re: The People's Republic of Sovereign Rulers: Appeal to construct nuclear weaponry

Post  The Chairman Sat Jun 04, 2011 2:28 pm

Darth GW7 wrote:we suggest a large wall with uranium embedded inside it so that it irradiates anyone who breaks it down
The Chairman
The Chairman

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The People's Republic of Sovereign Rulers: Appeal to construct nuclear weaponry Empty Re: The People's Republic of Sovereign Rulers: Appeal to construct nuclear weaponry

Post  Soros Sat Jun 04, 2011 2:52 pm

Darth GW7 wrote:we suggest a large wall with uranium embedded inside it so that it irradiates anyone who breaks it down

Interesting idea but Soros does not think it works that way.

Perhaps we could construct large tesla coils around our borders.


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Location : Sorosgrad, People's Republic of Sovereign Rulers

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The People's Republic of Sovereign Rulers: Appeal to construct nuclear weaponry Empty Re: The People's Republic of Sovereign Rulers: Appeal to construct nuclear weaponry

Post  Cisco Zarandin Sat Jun 04, 2011 10:40 pm

Soros wrote:I am dissappointed to learn that my appeal has been disapproved, but I can also see why looking at the past wars of Sermo. Our country will use the uranium to construct nuclear power facilities instead. However, the problem still remains. How will we survive when imperialists such as Hippostania treathen our slice of heaven? My people demands action!

Ocasus highly monitors Hippostanian actions. Do not worry. Consider him to be under control.
Cisco Zarandin
Cisco Zarandin

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The People's Republic of Sovereign Rulers: Appeal to construct nuclear weaponry Empty Re: The People's Republic of Sovereign Rulers: Appeal to construct nuclear weaponry

Post  The Chairman Sun Jun 05, 2011 8:04 am

Soros wrote:
Darth GW7 wrote:we suggest a large wall with uranium embedded inside it so that it irradiates anyone who breaks it down

Interesting idea but Soros does not think it works that way.

Perhaps we could construct large tesla coils around our borders.

Are you stupid? rabbit
The Chairman
The Chairman

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Location : Cordopolis, Cordonis

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The People's Republic of Sovereign Rulers: Appeal to construct nuclear weaponry Empty Re: The People's Republic of Sovereign Rulers: Appeal to construct nuclear weaponry

Post  Soros Sun Jun 05, 2011 12:03 pm

President Newlark wrote:
Soros wrote:
Darth GW7 wrote:we suggest a large wall with uranium embedded inside it so that it irradiates anyone who breaks it down

Interesting idea but Soros does not think it works that way.

Perhaps we could construct large tesla coils around our borders.
Are you stupid? rabbit

No. Do you always throw random insults, questions and words around you?

Ocasus: It is appreciated, but I cannot allow my nations safety to rely on foreign aid!

Posts : 93
Join date : 2011-06-01
Age : 31
Location : Sorosgrad, People's Republic of Sovereign Rulers

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