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Ex-President Adams Pronounced Dead EmptySun Aug 28, 2011 12:38 pm by Darth GW7

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Ex-President Adams Pronounced Dead EmptyTue Aug 16, 2011 7:01 pm by The Chairman

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Ex-President Adams Pronounced Dead EmptyFri Aug 12, 2011 6:04 pm by TekrosW

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Ex-President Adams Pronounced Dead EmptyThu Aug 11, 2011 9:00 am by The Chairman

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Ex-President Adams Pronounced Dead EmptyThu Aug 04, 2011 12:50 pm by Darth GW7

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Ex-President Adams Pronounced Dead

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Ex-President Adams Pronounced Dead Empty Ex-President Adams Pronounced Dead

Post  The Chairman Wed May 04, 2011 8:04 pm

Synavian Parliament House. 5/4/11. 5:14 AM local time.

I stepped outside to watch the sunrise. I rolled my arms around a bit and generally streched in an awkward fashion. Suddenly I heard the roar of a V12. I listened with disgust. Jeez, I thought to myself, who's filthy stinking rich enough to own a supercar in Synavia? But disgust turned into alarm once I realized it was getting alarmingly close. The sound turned deafening and as it did, a van came into view. Yes. A V12 van. I have no idea why.

Anyway, the van was approaching. I twitched my little finger almost imperceptibly, calling my personal bodyguards to attention. They surrounded me, pointing their assault rifles at the van, which had spun around, pointing the rear towards me. Suddenly the back swung open, and something large and dark was flung out. The van spun its rear tires and screeched off, throwing piles of dirt on top of the late Estella Adams' famous Purple Lyia flowerbed.

My bodyguards and I slowly approached the thing, most of us (meaning everybody but me) pointing rifles at it. Thoughts raced through my head. What could it be? I thought. Is it a bomb? a tank of neurotoxin? What could it be? And then it spoke.

"Please... please... kill me... please! Please!" It begged hoarsely. And then it hit me.
"Alexander! IS THAT YOU?!"
"I don't care anymore. Just kill me, please!" Adams was sobbing now.
"No! You can't die!" I got no further answer other than sobbing and moans and the occasional cry of pain.

Once we had got Adams to the hospital, I was able to see just how horrible of a condition he was in. His entire body was covered in ragged, infected cuts, he had 7 broken ribs, a punctured lung, massive internal bleeding, a major concussion, and much more. I don't feel like going into any more detail, and you should feel lucky that I won't.

"Who did this? Why did they do it?" I begged of him at his bedside.
"I... I don't know... it was all so confused..."
"Please don't die! Please!" I begged.
"That's the sort of thing you don't exactly get a choice in, Michael." His breaths were little more than wheezing shudders now. He sighed, and a contented look came upon his face. "I can be with my Estella now."

His head sunk back a tiny bit on the pillow, and the temperature in the room seemed to drop ten degrees.

I stepped back one step, sobbed once, and went out cold.

And so Alexander Adams, the man who brought Synavia together, died trying to save it.

Later in the morning, I released an official statement to citizens of Synavia announcing that the president was dead, and the entire country of Synavia seemed to fall silent. Adams may have made some unwise decisions, but he formed Synavia, and all people of our country respect him for that, and felt grief for his passing.
The Chairman
The Chairman

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Ex-President Adams Pronounced Dead Empty Re: Ex-President Adams Pronounced Dead

Post  Darth GW7 Thu May 05, 2011 6:19 am

alright, i'll say it.

Darth GW7
Darth GW7

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Ex-President Adams Pronounced Dead Empty Re: Ex-President Adams Pronounced Dead

Post  The Chairman Thu May 05, 2011 8:20 am

Darth GW7 wrote:alright, i'll say it.

My people and I can only wonder who did this. Therefore, a massive investigation is underway, interrogating both Synavian citizens and government officials from other nations. I encourage other governments to initiate similar investigations.
The Chairman
The Chairman

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Ex-President Adams Pronounced Dead Empty Re: Ex-President Adams Pronounced Dead

Post  Darth GW7 Thu May 05, 2011 9:44 am

nah, what do we care about what goes on in your crazy country?
Darth GW7
Darth GW7

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Ex-President Adams Pronounced Dead Empty Re: Ex-President Adams Pronounced Dead

Post  Grand Administrator Crude Thu May 05, 2011 11:20 am

you're looking for yawn then
Grand Administrator Crude
Grand Administrator Crude

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Ex-President Adams Pronounced Dead Empty Re: Ex-President Adams Pronounced Dead

Post  The Chairman Thu May 05, 2011 1:19 pm

If no other nations participate, it will be close to impossible to locate and bring to justice Adams' murderer.
The Chairman
The Chairman

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Ex-President Adams Pronounced Dead Empty Re: Ex-President Adams Pronounced Dead

Post  Darth GW7 Thu May 05, 2011 1:43 pm

oh dear
Darth GW7
Darth GW7

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Ex-President Adams Pronounced Dead Empty Re: Ex-President Adams Pronounced Dead

Post  The Chairman Thu May 05, 2011 7:05 pm

Darth GW7 wrote:oh dear
Possibly the most annoying thing about you is that you post things like that. Explain what that even meant, please.
The Chairman
The Chairman

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Ex-President Adams Pronounced Dead Empty Re: Ex-President Adams Pronounced Dead

Post  Darth GW7 Fri May 06, 2011 3:47 am

it means "Oh dear what a shame"
Darth GW7
Darth GW7

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Location : Deanor, Frenzland

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Ex-President Adams Pronounced Dead Empty Re: Ex-President Adams Pronounced Dead

Post  Avin Triumvirate Fri May 06, 2011 12:26 pm

Unfortunately, this was why we tried to convince Adams that a return to Synavia - even one without fanfare, would be untenable. After our prievious communique the aircraft carrying Adams landed, he was taken to a military hospital in Keilan for a sedated medical check-up as a result of the high-velocity at which he was retrieved.

The day after, he was transfered to a classified location in city and briefed upon the Synavian situation. Rather than remaining with the Internal Security provided accomodation though, Adams opted against all recommendations and instead stated that he would return to his country. While in hindsight it would've been more efficient to simply place Adams in a secured location rather than allowing him to return - ableit without support - to Synavia, given the lack of evidance from the Baelgarian government regarding his involvement, he was allowed to make the choice himself.

Ex-President Adams Pronounced Dead 993090568_b08702a276

At 1:48pm, he boarded a train bound for Synavia via Bonnapal, and can be seen in the photo below taken by the In-Sec team ensuring he left safely. From here, what happened to him has not been reported upon until he re-appeared. Going by what little evidance is available, we can assume that the Cordonian elements must have intercepted him prior to his return to Synavia.

It seems that President Adam's death was brought about by the same unstable judgement he demonstrated within his political career.
Avin Triumvirate
Avin Triumvirate

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Ex-President Adams Pronounced Dead Empty Re: Ex-President Adams Pronounced Dead

Post  The Chairman Fri May 06, 2011 6:19 pm

First of all, thank you, Avinistratus, for informing us of what exactly happened.
Second, Adams attempted to return to Synavia to deal with a heavily classified issue. I don't even know. I can only wonder what it was and hope it wasn't overly important.

Again, I urge all nations of Sermo to investigate the true cause of Adams' murder.

And if it was Cordonis, then two things are certain:
a. They've achieved their root goal.
b. I'm next.
The Chairman
The Chairman

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Ex-President Adams Pronounced Dead Empty Re: Ex-President Adams Pronounced Dead

Post  The Chairman Sun May 08, 2011 7:48 am

Yesterday, after many hours of arguing and death threats, I finally got a hold of the person calling himself Grand Supreme Dictator Greyjackal, who is the leader of Cordonis. He released this statement.
What? Of course we killed him. We couldn't have him around doing his retarded stuff, could we? Of course we killed him.
Synavian parliament is currently debating what should be done about this.
The Chairman
The Chairman

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