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Evacuation of President Adams T866fu

Evacuation of President Adams

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Evacuation of President Adams Empty Evacuation of President Adams

Post  Avin Triumvirate Fri Apr 29, 2011 5:49 am

29th April, 2011 , 1250 hrs (Novian Mean Time) / 7th Avinistratus Infantry Brigade, 1st Light Battalion, A Company, 1st Platoon, Gamma-Actual – Operating as VIP Protection Tam for President Adams, Myasterith, Synavia.

“Gamma-Actual, Albatross-One. The Hipps are pulling out and we’re already seeing riots here, we’re putting the bird in the air with the rest of second onboard before anything happens to the runways. The Fulton rig is all latched up, so just get Adams into position and give the word. Albatross-One out.”

Sergeant Cavor’s PRR link closed with a chirp as he turned to enter the presidential office, even though he already had four troopers in there, it was probably better for Adams that he gave the news personally. The distinctive shape of his L85A2 assault rifle was already in his hand, stock cradling beneath his right arm as he addressed the Synavian president.

“Adams, the call just came in from our transport. The Hipps are evacuating and we’re getting reports of rioting around the country, time for you to leave, we’re getting word that you’ll be the next target otherwise.”

Rather than waiting for an answer, he turned to two of the soldiers within the office, they’d know just what to do.

“Hailson, Dremmel. Take Ferin and Caret outside with the Fulton receiver, set it up in the garden and secure yourselves, we’ll be right along. Just send Vic’ and Mike in here on your way out, will you?”

A curl nod was all that was needed as half Adam’s bodyguard detail hurried out the way Cavor entered, taking two of the exterior guards and a pair of rather oversized backpacks with them. The final two guards entered as they left, each with an FN Minimi LMG in hand as they covered President Adams. The message was rather strongly delivered by the left most trooper of course, she didn't wanna get shot defending him.

“C’mon VIP, get yer arse out there or do we have to drag you clear before some Cordonisian twat shoves an IED through yer window?”

Cavor held back the snort that'd usually follow a mere Trooper responding to a president in that way, but it was rather understandable given the situation.

"Victoria's right there Adams, just get outside and strap into the fulton. Evacuation is inbound."
Avin Triumvirate
Avin Triumvirate

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Join date : 2011-03-01
Location : Nova, Avinistratus

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Evacuation of President Adams Empty Re: Evacuation of President Adams

Post  The Chairman Fri Apr 29, 2011 10:47 am

Avin Triumvirate wrote:29th April, 2011 , 1250 hrs (Novian Mean Time) / 7th Avinistratus Infantry Brigade, 1st Light Battalion, A Company, 1st Platoon, Gamma-Actual – Operating as VIP Protection Tam for President Adams, Myasterith, Synavia.

“Gamma-Actual, Albatross-One. The Hipps are pulling out and we’re already seeing riots here, we’re putting the bird in the air with the rest of second onboard before anything happens to the runways. The Fulton rig is all latched up, so just get Adams into position and give the word. Albatross-One out.”

Sergeant Cavor’s PRR link closed with a chirp as he turned to enter the presidential office, even though he already had four troopers in there, it was probably better for Adams that he gave the news personally. The distinctive shape of his L85A2 assault rifle was already in his hand, stock cradling beneath his right arm as he addressed the Synavian president.

“Adams, the call just came in from our transport. The Hipps are evacuating and we’re getting reports of rioting around the country, time for you to leave, we’re getting word that you’ll be the next target otherwise.”

Rather than waiting for an answer, he turned to two of the soldiers within the office, they’d know just what to do.

“Hailson, Dremmel. Take Ferin and Caret outside with the Fulton receiver, set it up in the garden and secure yourselves, we’ll be right along. Just send Vic’ and Mike in here on your way out, will you?”

A curl nod was all that was needed as half Adam’s bodyguard detail hurried out the way Cavor entered, taking two of the exterior guards and a pair of rather oversized backpacks with them. The final two guards entered as they left, each with an FN Minimi LMG in hand as they covered President Adams. The message was rather strongly delivered by the left most trooper of course, she didn't wanna get shot defending him.

“C’mon VIP, get yer arse out there or do we have to drag you clear before some Cordonisian twat shoves an IED through yer window?”

Cavor held back the snort that'd usually follow a mere Trooper responding to a president in that way, but it was rather understandable given the situation.

"Victoria's right there Adams, just get outside and strap into the fulton. Evacuation is inbound."
Evacuation to where? Avinistratus?
The Chairman
The Chairman

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Evacuation of President Adams Empty Re: Evacuation of President Adams

Post  Avin Triumvirate Fri Apr 29, 2011 10:53 am

President Adams wrote:Evacuation to where? Avinistratus?

“Evacuation, mister Adams. Albatross has the flight-plan, all we’re told is that it’s somewhere inside the NTRI.”

Cavor sighed, moving over to the office window and peering out, watching as Hailson and Dremmel worked upon erecting the Fulton receiver rig. They’d have to hope the damn thing operated correctly, especially if the population got uppity, let alone the Cords.

“Do you honestly think they’re gonna tell us the exact location so that some sick bastard can just get the scalpels out and pull a Merkantl on our brains if we’re captured saving your slow behind?”
Avin Triumvirate
Avin Triumvirate

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Location : Nova, Avinistratus

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Evacuation of President Adams Empty Re: Evacuation of President Adams

Post  The Chairman Fri Apr 29, 2011 10:56 am

Avin Triumvirate wrote:
President Adams wrote:Evacuation to where? Avinistratus?

“Evacuation, mister Adams. Albatross has the flight-plan, all we’re told is that it’s somewhere inside the NTRI.”

Cavor sighed, moving over to the office window and peering out, watching as Hailson and Dremmel worked upon erecting the Fulton receiver rig. They’d have to hope the damn thing operated correctly, especially if the population got uppity, let alone the Cords.

“Do you honestly think they’re gonna tell us the exact location so that some sick bastard can just get the scalpels out and pull a Merkantl on our brains if we’re captured saving your slow behind?”
EDIT: Never mind that. I don't care, this seems like a life or death situation.
Kay, I'll go, I guess...
I think that if the Triumvirate wanted me dead, they would have done so long ago. I'll board.
The Chairman
The Chairman

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Evacuation of President Adams Empty Re: Evacuation of President Adams

Post  Avin Triumvirate Fri Apr 29, 2011 11:33 am

President Adams wrote:Kay, I'll go, I guess...
I think that if the Triumvirate wanted me dead, they would have done so long ago. I'll board.


The Sergeant shouted not only at Adams, but the rest of the soldiers in the room with him, and with one arm clamped to his L85 and the other across Adam’s back, the five-man band began their hurried dash through the Parliamentary building. It was here that the standard military approach began to show, it wasn’t simply the guns and BDUs showing on the soldiers. It was the way they covered all angles, checked the corners and showed a complete lack of respect for the local furnishings.

Neither was the escape route without incident, for as they passed into the reception and out into the lobby – where just outside the hall, the quite unusual form of the fulton recovery system was visible – the Cordonians struck. It wasn’t anything unusual, merely a pair of delivery men, their arms filled with military surplus boxes… That dropped to reveal a Skorpion Vz 61 machine pistol held by each attacker.

As the soldiers dropped into cover, the Synavian President was thrown to the floor when a storm of lead filled the reception, long and careless bursts tearing apart the wall above him. His death seemed certain for those few seconds, until the pair of Minimis carried by the Avinistratus soldiers replied in a fully-automatic duet which silenced the assassins once and for all.

“Should’ve brought the faarkin Smegs with us instead…” One soldier could be heard cursing as Adams was dragged to his feet, thrown across Cavor’s back and quite literally hauled outside as the unit double-timed their way across the open garden towards their salvation.

The section fell into overwatch as Cavor placed Adams down, pulling and tightening the harness around the Synavian president before beginning to strap himself in alongside. The Fulton surface-to-air recovery system was decades old, and even with modern improvements they couldn’t be sure just how much weight it’d take. Apparently it was rated for eight, instead they’d hodge-poged two of them together, with the majority of the section upon one, and Cavor and Adams sharing the other. Cavor would be buying the drinks when they got back to base, after all.

Once the section was all strapped in, one soldier tugged a smoke grenade free from his webbing, and tossed it down the street. Green smoke erupted, being blown down and away from them by the wind. Given that they weren’t going to run into a building, the two receivers were fully activated.

From each harness, sprouted a helium balloon as it soared several feet in the air, high enough above the surrounding buildings as to mark their location to anyone. The two balloons were attached by a length of cable, flags strewn along it’s length to indicate just where that was.

“Albatross-One, Gamma-Actual. You’re clear for extraction, the rig is up and the smokes blowing east, recommend you route in via that.”

“Albatross-One copies, squeaky-bum time lads, bring your sick-bags.”

It seemed rather anti-climatic at first, the nine of them just sitting there in the garden of the Parliamentary Hall, eight of them soldiers with weapons pointed outwards scanning for threats, and nothing happening… Yet, minutes later the roar of jets – which could’ve been mistaken for the leaving Hippostanian forces – grew steadily, and Cavor’s PRR crackled once again.

“Initiating run, hold on.”

The Avinistratus infantry lowered their weapons and braced as in the distance, the AVAF C-17 settled into it’s run, vomiting chaff and flares across the Synavian capital with the unusual rig upon it’s nose lined up with the cable stretched between the two balloons launched by the receiving rig…

The sound of contact was lost in the gut-wrenching lurch that consumed the entire section, suddenly finding themselves flying along at several hundred miles an hour as the cable caught, and the C-17 slowly lifted to gain altitude. The winch was slow, and the rig containing Cavor and Adams was at the bottom of the cable, leaving the rest of the section to be winched up first.

I dunno if this is a good time to tell you, “ Shouted Cavor over the roar of the slipstream around them, but it’d be good to get the news in early. “But we’ve picked up some rather nasty intelligence sniffers, let’s just say you’re in the custody of Avinistratus for now, shall we?"
Avin Triumvirate
Avin Triumvirate

Posts : 70
Join date : 2011-03-01
Location : Nova, Avinistratus

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Evacuation of President Adams Empty Re: Evacuation of President Adams

Post  The Chairman Fri Apr 29, 2011 12:46 pm

Vice President Michael Newlark here.
What the heck just happened? I'm somewhat confused. Is Adams actually under arrest by the Triumvirate?

Sorry, I'm not too experienced at my job; this is my first major thing I've ever done.
The Chairman
The Chairman

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Evacuation of President Adams Empty Re: Evacuation of President Adams

Post  Avin Triumvirate Fri Apr 29, 2011 1:24 pm

Vice President Newlark wrote:Vice President Michael Newlark here.
What the heck just happened? I'm somewhat confused. Is Adams actually under arrest by the Triumvirate?

Sorry, I'm not too experienced at my job; this is my first major thing I've ever done.

The Triumvirate is concerned as to where you gained the assumption that President Adams is under arrest. In accordance with pre-decided plans of action, it was decided that given the state of riots within Synavia, President Adams could be seen as the figurehead of a government which had brought about the Hipponian occupation, and thus a target for assassination.

Unfortunately, given the current state of Synavia, including a complete lack of organised military, we cannot simply let him return to the country and soon afterwards murdered by his own country men. Instead, Adams shall remain within Avinistratus for the forseeable future until the Synavian situation has calmed down.

However, given current intelligence provided to us with regards to the earlier assassination of the Baelgarian president, it may come about that at a later point Adams might be taken into custody should further findings conclusively link him to the assassination.

As of current, Adams is - as far as we know - safely aboard one of our aircraft bound for Avinistratus.
Avin Triumvirate
Avin Triumvirate

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Location : Nova, Avinistratus

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Evacuation of President Adams Empty Re: Evacuation of President Adams

Post  The Chairman Sat Apr 30, 2011 12:11 pm

What concerns me is the last message Adams sent me before takeoff.

Michael, I hereby give to you all the duties of President, while retaining the title of Vice President. If another message is not sent within a week, well, President you are. You can guess what happened. I don't trust them.

And neither should you. Look out.

PS. If you fear the worst, it happened.

I don't like this.

Also, Adams is a shrewd fellow, more than he would like you to believe. But he wouldn't do something as horrific as killing Baelgaria's president. I know him too well for that.
The Chairman
The Chairman

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Evacuation of President Adams Empty Re: Evacuation of President Adams

Post  The Chairman Sun May 01, 2011 10:13 am

Synavia demands two things:
1. We wish to know where Adams is as of now.
2. We wish for the Triumvirate to allow Adams to remotely assume the duties of President once more.

Please comply.
The Chairman
The Chairman

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Evacuation of President Adams Empty Re: Evacuation of President Adams

Post  The Chairman Mon May 02, 2011 7:11 pm

Checking my e-mail this morning, I came across a disturbing message from an address I didn't recognize.
Alexander Adams here, Michael. I've just managed to steal this laptomp an d here goes. I giveyou the title of Presiddent and all of the duties tha tcoem along with it. I won't return aloive. Theyre coming gotta goahhjasdgjksnkdjbznhfsjkhgkfjsbnbfjlhkjh
I don't know what this means, but I demand answers from the Triumvirate. NOW.
The Chairman
The Chairman

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Evacuation of President Adams Empty Re: Evacuation of President Adams

Post  Grand Administrator Crude Tue May 03, 2011 2:17 am

It means that someone with dyslexia of sorts typed that message before getting a seizure.
Grand Administrator Crude
Grand Administrator Crude

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