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Major International Terrorist Situation

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Major International Terrorist Situation Empty Major International Terrorist Situation

Post  Telekarta Wed Apr 06, 2011 12:43 pm

Nations of Sermo, the Telekartan International Security Board comes before you with worrying news concerning the development of terrorist regimes growing in our region.

Late last night, Telekartan Intelligence Officers intercepted a radio signal of an intermediate strength. We were not able to discern the location nor direction of the signal, but we were able to break the weak encryption encasing the message.

Upon inspection, it appeared to be a communique from a possible leader figure of a group claiming to be a 'Frenzlandian Anti-Hippostanian action group'. More worrying, and of immediate concern to all nations, is that this group appears to have come into ownership of a nuclear weapon.

The yield of the weapon was not mentioned, but after cross-referencing several possible sources, Telekartan officials believe the weapon to be an 'Ex-Jeneferian tactical nuke', presumably obtained in the chaos following the fall of Jeneferia.

Of course, we must insist all nations be extremely cautious about the supposed nationality of this group. While they did indeed claim to be Frenzlandian, this may be a ruse to cause a breakdown of the already weak international relationships between Hippostania and Frenzland.

We urge that all nations, especially Hippostania and Frenzland start to draw up 'worst-case' scenario plans in case of actual use of the nuclear device. However, with quick and timely intervention, there is a good chance we will be able to apprehend this extremist group.

To be clear, Telekarta takes no side in the Hippostania-Frenzland bickering, and relays this information as a clearly, as of this time, neutral party.

Posts : 24
Join date : 2011-03-19

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Major International Terrorist Situation Empty Re: Major International Terrorist Situation

Post  Darth GW7 Wed Apr 06, 2011 12:49 pm

Frenzland sees no reason to ignore this problem any longer. This groups is threatening the regional peace by claiming to represent us.
We offer what police/military support we can in order to resolve this situation.
We do, however, need more information on possible suspects, locations, supplies, etc.
Would your intelligence service be willing to co-operate with ours in this? Putting our heads together may well be our winning move.
Darth GW7
Darth GW7

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Join date : 2011-03-01
Location : Deanor, Frenzland

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Major International Terrorist Situation Empty Re: Major International Terrorist Situation

Post  The Chairman Fri Apr 08, 2011 5:25 pm

I have no information to share, but I encourage all nations to find these people.
The Chairman
The Chairman

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Join date : 2011-03-22
Age : 48
Location : Cordopolis, Cordonis

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