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Re: Civil/Political rights in Sermo EmptySun Aug 28, 2011 12:38 pm by Darth GW7

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Re: Civil/Political rights in Sermo EmptyTue Aug 16, 2011 7:01 pm by The Chairman

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Re: Civil/Political rights in Sermo EmptyFri Aug 12, 2011 6:04 pm by TekrosW

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Re: Civil/Political rights in Sermo EmptyThu Aug 11, 2011 9:00 am by The Chairman

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Re: Civil/Political rights in Sermo EmptyThu Aug 04, 2011 12:50 pm by Darth GW7

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Re: Civil/Political rights in Sermo EmptyWed Aug 03, 2011 9:41 am by The Chairman

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Re: Civil/Political rights in Sermo EmptyTue Aug 02, 2011 9:59 am by The Chairman

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Re: Civil/Political rights in Sermo EmptySun Jul 31, 2011 7:43 pm by The Chairman

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Re: Civil/Political rights in Sermo

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Re: Civil/Political rights in Sermo Empty Re: Civil/Political rights in Sermo

Post  Darth GW7 Thu Mar 31, 2011 7:34 am

This is not an official resolution, not something to be voted in. This is primarily an expression of disappointment, shame, sadness.
Far too many nations in Sermo have Civil and Political freedoms that are under-par; governments and dictators alike are suppressing their people, taking away the most basic of freedoms, and are enforcing it with military police and sometimes even the army; some, intelligence suggests, even hiring foreign mercenaries and illegal arm dealers to deal with any disturbance.

Most regions have guidelines restricting the ability of nations to take away their people's rights; some even have strictly-enforced resolutions disallowing and preventing nations from lacking sufficient rights. We have no such guidelines.

I suggest that we create an ultimatum: All nations in Sermo must improve their civil and political rights to be at least average in quality.
Those with Below-Average rights of these sort will be given a week in which to improve them. If they fail to do so, Sermonian nations will be enabled (or demanded) to take certain actions against them. These should become more severe for as long as their rights fail to improve.
Of course, this is unfair on those nations with abysmal rights to begin with - We may scoff at them for being "Barbaric", but we have so far respected the diversity of nations' cultures. However, we must set some standards for the nations. Therefore, if a nations shows its willingness to abide to the will of Sermo by at least IMPROVING its rights within the week, it shall be at Sermo's discretion to decide whether to punish them, or to give them more time.
In some cases a compromise may be made, with a minor punishment being put in place for the second week until the nation shows sufficient improvement to justify letting them off the hook.
As well as this, any nations who allows their civil or political rights to drop under the average once the ultimatum has passed will be given a week's warning to get them back up again. We will require a nation or two to be volunteers to be "Rights Watch", gaining intelligence on nations and evaluating their rights on a regular basis to see if they are up to scratch.

I believe it would also be an idea to reward nations that have shown excellent progress in Civil Rights - And those who have outstanding civil rights in the first place. Perhaps a trophy, or a National title, or monetary reward. A festival could be made around the event, for people of all nations to attend.
If the idea of a neutral area being built in the former state of Jeniferia were to go forwards, this would be the ideal place to host such an event. The clean-up and construction will probably take a long time, but this is all the more reason to give people something to celebrate once it is complete. Additional awards could be provided for other areas - From their economy to their culture, nature, economics, etc. Of course, it would be a mistake to make any nation seem "Better" than the rest - The focus would be on bringing each nation's virtues into the spotlight and commending them for it.

On a final note, Frenzland, personally, would like to see the senate becoming more user-friendly. Perhaps a senatorial discussion board for topics to be considered and discussed before formal resolutions are put forward? This would allow such resolutions to be drafted and proof-read before being put to the vote and, as such, would remove "All-or-nothing" resolutions being made, getting the region nowhere, as well as letting the creators of resolutions the chance to consider general opinion on the subject before it is put to the senate.
Darth GW7
Darth GW7

Posts : 204
Join date : 2011-03-01
Location : Deanor, Frenzland

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Re: Civil/Political rights in Sermo Empty Re: Re: Civil/Political rights in Sermo

Post  Sekkisi Thu Mar 31, 2011 11:41 am

As Sekkisi can be seen as a shining beacon of progress, the Board of Directors has no qualms with this.

Posts : 61
Join date : 2011-03-19
Location : District One, Sekkisi

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Re: Civil/Political rights in Sermo Empty Re: Re: Civil/Political rights in Sermo

Post  President Gan Sat Apr 02, 2011 4:22 am

Sekkisi wrote:As Sekkisi can be seen as a shining beacon of progress, the Board of Directors has no qualms with this.

Maybe economically but regarding political and civil freedoms I beg to differ.
President Gan
President Gan

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Join date : 2011-03-01
Location : Zerovnik,Machiniosa

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Re: Civil/Political rights in Sermo Empty Re: Re: Civil/Political rights in Sermo

Post  Sekkisi Sat Apr 02, 2011 4:31 am

President Gan wrote:
Sekkisi wrote:As Sekkisi can be seen as a shining beacon of progress, the Board of Directors has no qualms with this.

Maybe economically but regarding political and civil freedoms I beg to differ.

Your plea to differ has been denied.

Posts : 61
Join date : 2011-03-19
Location : District One, Sekkisi

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Re: Civil/Political rights in Sermo Empty Re: Re: Civil/Political rights in Sermo

Post  Supreme Lord Blanchard Sat Apr 02, 2011 10:36 am

Any political or civil changes would severely damage Greater Sermo and nearly cripple its infrastructure, and will most likely cause the current government to fall. Do not do this, unless you wish a massive state of anarchy in the south
Supreme Lord Blanchard
Supreme Lord Blanchard

Posts : 42
Join date : 2011-03-01
Location : Festung Von Blanchard. Greater Sermo

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