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SC - Condemn Swarmlandia

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SC - Condemn Swarmlandia Empty SC - Condemn Swarmlandia

Post  Cisco Zarandin Thu Mar 10, 2011 1:12 am

Category: Condemnation

Nominee: Swarmlandia

Proposed by: Sakaba

Description: The Secruity Council:

IDENTIFIES that Swarmlandia has been capturing all tourist from neighboring nations around the world.

NOTING that the tourist are used as experimental test subjects.

HORRIFIED that test subjects undergo and are not limited to:
* Poison Testing (Documentation shows The poisons were secretly administered to experimental subjects in their food. The victims died as a result of the poison or were killed immediately in order to permit autopsies.
* Freezing Experiments (The Leader of Swarmlandia admitted to conducting experiments with the intent of discovering means to prevent and treat hypothermia. One study forced subjects to endure a tank of ice water for up to five hours.)
*Incendiary Bomb Testing (Documents clarify that experiments were conducted to test the effect of various pharmaceutical preparations on phosphorus burns. These burns were inflicted on captured tourist using phosphorus material extracted from incendiary bombs.)
* Bone, muscle, and nerve transplantation experiments (The bone transplantation from one person to another. Sections of bones, muscles, and nerves were removed from the subjects without use of anesthesia. As a result of these operations, many victims suffered intense agony, mutilation, and permanent disability.)

CLARIFYING that Swarmlandia is a nation that does not tolerate foreigners.

FINALIZING that Swarmlandia be condemned for the vicious acts against humanity of the peoples of the world.

The Security Council hereby Condemns The Infested Puppet Master of Swarmlandia

Ocasus's Stance: For
Cisco Zarandin
Cisco Zarandin

Posts : 153
Join date : 2011-02-28
Age : 31
Location : Aura, Ocasus

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