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The Rules of War

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The Rules of War Empty The Rules of War

Post  Cisco Zarandin Sun Mar 20, 2011 4:11 pm

There has been so many out of the blue shit going on that there should be an end to it right now.

1. Don't start wars without any reason.
2. If you don't want to fight, don't reply, don't nuke billions of people.
3. Don't make another move until your opposition has made theirs.
4. Don't post opposing death tolls.
5. If one side or the other just makes up idiotic shit and doesn't give up at all, they will be considered the losers.
6. The success or failure of a side WILL depend upon the factoring resources of the nation, and nations allied with it.
7. Matches battles between forces will be randomly dealt with by me going to and selecting a random winner, then, posting the winner, where you can adjust accordingly.

Stop making all this crap up. You can't just keep writing and writing and say you won. I should delete the entire Jeniferian War in the first place for being stupid.

Everyone chill out and use war as an absolute last ditch effort. If we condemn Jerniferia, and request actions be taken by their government, but none are. Then we declare war. Once war has been declared, the Anti-Jeni forces make a move (each nation individually, or the alliance as a group), then we'd WAIT for Jeniferia.

That's how it works. Stick to it. I suggest -sniping- all the posts that flagrantly violate this.

Last edited by Cisco Zarandin on Tue Apr 05, 2011 12:25 am; edited 1 time in total
Cisco Zarandin
Cisco Zarandin

Posts : 153
Join date : 2011-02-28
Age : 31
Location : Aura, Ocasus

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The Rules of War Empty Re: The Rules of War

Post  Hippo Mon Mar 21, 2011 10:03 am

Cisco Zarandin wrote:
I should delete the entire Jeniferian War in the first place for being stupid.
Seriously, do this.
The Jeniferian War was just a huge shitfest, no one had any idea what to do or could they do it. Ebola missions, nukes, shit like this everywhere. Jeniferian War was the perfect example on how NOT to wage a war.

Posts : 296
Join date : 2011-03-03
Age : 25
Location : Waverley, Hippostania

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