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Supreme Lord Blanchard
The Chairman
Dorlavisch Crecko
Grand Overseer of Feriron
Inyk Aineastap
Prime Minister Siluan
Oliver Stansburg
Hannibal Satelitos
Viktor Kasik
Avin Triumvirate
Nicola Burlef
General Mathis
Darth GW7
Grand Administrator Crude
President Gan
Cisco Zarandin
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Post  Cisco Zarandin Mon Feb 28, 2011 5:45 pm

Hola Compadres. I'm the founder of Sermo and leader of Ocasus. Welcome to the region, and use this thread to take a moment and say hello.
Cisco Zarandin
Cisco Zarandin

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Join date : 2011-02-28
Age : 31
Location : Aura, Ocasus

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Post  FPChris Tue Mar 01, 2011 3:48 am

hi im fpchris and ur a faget

Hi, I'm FPChris and I'm the President of the greatest country in the region, Summland.
WA Delegate
WA Delegate

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Join date : 2011-03-01
Location : Grandis, Summland

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Post  President Gan Tue Mar 01, 2011 9:37 am

Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen. I am President Gan, leader of Machiniosa, the regions biggest exporter of Cheese products.

President Gan
President Gan

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Post  Grand Administrator Crude Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:09 pm

Greetings (11.b.I),

I am Grand Administrator (2.a.I) Crude Oil of the Empire(1.a.II) of Baclav(1.a.I).

Any communication with me directly can only be done by another nation's ruling party leader, as stated in Book 1, Section F, paragraph I in the Definitions of the Empire of Baclav.

I'll probably put these books up since I am such a nerd with my nation that I am going full-out on bureaucracy.
But oh god it's fun being a nerd.

Have a nice day (11.b.II),
Grand Administrator of the Empire of Baclav,
Crude Oil.
Grand Administrator Crude
Grand Administrator Crude

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Age : 32
Location : Cavnecos, Baclav

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Post  Darth GW7 Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:27 pm

Well met, fellow nations.

I am Administrator Darth of the Confederation of Frenzland. We are but a small nation rising out of the beautiful hearthlands.
We strive for civil perfection and encourage only the best quality of life for all our people. We hope to set an example for other nations; after all, the country is only as good as the minds in it.

Together we may move forward into the perfect future for all our people. I predict the next few years will be the ones that shape our great nations the most. For the better? Let us hope so.
Darth GW7
Darth GW7

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Join date : 2011-03-01
Location : Deanor, Frenzland

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Post  General Mathis Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:36 pm

Greetings, fellow nations.
I am General Cargo Mathis, leader of the glorious nation known as Valkry.
Our nation loves democracy, although I can't say I care for it. But I am tired of having my mansion firebombed by capitalists and balding politicians.
We welcome trade, of both intellectual and physical items.
General Mathis
General Mathis

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Join date : 2011-03-01
Location : Heimdall, Valkry

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Post  Nicola Burlef Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:41 pm

Good Evening, I am Duchess Nicola Burlef of Tarmadia. It is good to be at last on good terms with other nations in our region.
Our people are most pleased with my family's long history of rule, although in recent years the elected Prime Minister has come to play a more important role. It is through strict government control of the economy we are proud to allow our people great political freedoms and we chiefly export Tractors and canned vegetables, industries in which we work hard to achieve the highest possible quality in our state run factories. Across the world farmers praise Tarmadian Automotive and our excellent tinned onions.
Nicola Burlef
Nicola Burlef

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Join date : 2011-03-01
Location : Desnen, Tarmadia

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Post  Avin Triumvirate Tue Mar 01, 2011 5:30 pm

While it is understandable that the Triumvirate has prefered a rather isolated outlook, recent changes in the economic climate have brought us to extend beyond the patronage of the Heartland, to those surrounding our fair nation.

As an extended relation to the Administratum from which we were formed, we strive the retain the better elements from our ancestral parent, while trying to relieve ourselves from the burden of past militaristic tendancies. Even with this however, we have been forced to rely upon our military-industrial complex as an economic asset in our current time of depression, and unfortunately I may freely say that this hasn't had the best of results for our country.

On the flip-side however, not only are we on the road to recovery, but we will be the stronger for it!

We can no longer subside simply upon the handouts of the Heartland, in opening ourselves to the world, we shall benefit not only our land, but those surrounding it in turn. Every country has it's own culture and benefits to spread to others, as we shall expose ourselves to new ideals, so shall they to us. A bountiful trade in both cases, with ever more to come.

In addition to this, we have recieved pleasant news from the Heartland. While our recent dividend might have been reduced, there has been inklings that we may recieve elements of Project Prospero for our own programs. And with that, I bid you farewell, and await the next Triumvate Session.
Avin Triumvirate
Avin Triumvirate

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Location : Nova, Avinistratus

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Post  Viktor Kasik Tue Mar 01, 2011 10:01 pm

Hello, I am Viktor Kasik, President of Nulendbund. A country formed when our Capital province, Nulend proposed the Nulendbund to the neighboring provinces of Crokshan and Faldeen, A league that would bring our great provinces together as one nation.

In Nulendbund, our motto is "Free people need a Free market.", and we show this by having one of the largest private sectors in the region and a large amount of personal freedom. Capitalism is the keystone that holds Nulendbund together, and hopefully, one day it will become the keystone for all of Sermo.
Viktor Kasik
Viktor Kasik

Posts : 33
Join date : 2011-03-01
Location : Nulend, Nulendbund

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Post  Soalma Wed Mar 02, 2011 12:54 am

Hello all, I am the President of Soalma. We're a little country that recently pulled ourselves out of a long-fought civil war, and a unified government has been established so that we can join the region of Sermo.

Our motto, "De finibus bonorum et malorum," which means "On the boundaries of Good and Evil," derives from Soalma's violent and turmoil-filled path it had to take to get to where it is today.

Posts : 15
Join date : 2011-03-01
Location : Nugha, Soalma

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Post  Hannibal Satelitos Wed Mar 02, 2011 1:45 am

Hello, I am the current Majority Leader of the House of the People of Lena-Rutland. As holder of this position, I wish to help the grand region of Sermo become greater and more powerful.

I was democratically elected after the last civil war that devastated our usually peaceful community. There used to be two houses in the Parliament of Lena-Rutland, the Upper House and the Poorhouse. That was the actual name, as those in the Upper House frequently abused their power, but when they were found holding orgies and were involved in a pedophilia scandal, the people decided they had had enough and took up arms against the forces of the Upper House.
There are still some repercussions which need to be addressed, as the southern, richer part of the country still harbours grudges on the recent loss of power.

Our motto is "Lena nunc et semper", Latin for "Lena now and always" which refers to our atheistic religion and the only thing on which the country can agree on.
Hannibal Satelitos
Hannibal Satelitos

Posts : 10
Join date : 2011-03-02
Location : Meyer District, Lena-Rutland

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Post  Oliver Stansburg Wed Mar 02, 2011 2:31 pm

Hello all, I am Oliver Stansburg, People's Leader of Eschbeen. We are a young, fledgling nation, and wish to commit greatly to this region.

Our history is very diverse. We come from a large nomadic group of travelers, of many ethnicities. As such, it is hard to completely define where are past should begin. However, our people eventually settled here, and as such we created our great and glorious nation, The Republic of Eschbeen. Our motto is "Pax via, non bello", which means "Peace is the way, not war" in Latin.

We hope taht our nation will enter with you people bonds as strong as brotherhood!

Oliver Stansburg
Oliver Stansburg

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Join date : 2011-03-02
Location : Brunsfield, Eschbeen

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Post  Rusknova Wed Mar 02, 2011 3:26 pm

Hello! I am the voice of Rusknova, I accumilate information for ytour viewing form Rusknovas three important sources. In most other cultures I can be known as a "Diplomat". I accumilate information from our King, Our newspaper "Ruskian Times" and our Prime Minister. Our country has a structure similar to Britain and we are based off an offshoot of the ancinet Greeks. We are a race of Scientists, Historians, Diplomats and Debators. As we are a thinking people we will always shy away from violence.


Posts : 8
Join date : 2011-03-02

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Post  Prime Minister Siluan Wed Mar 02, 2011 4:45 pm


I am President Siluan of the Democratic Republic of Ordovichia
We are a strongly liberal nation who values personal freedom. We are a young nation, and hope to contribute to the politics and diplomacy of Sermo in a positive way.
Prime Minister Siluan
Prime Minister Siluan

Posts : 7
Join date : 2011-03-02
Location : Halidon, Ordovichia

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Post  Inyk Aineastap Wed Mar 02, 2011 6:52 pm

Hello, I am Inyk Aineastap, First Elected Leader of Pharapalac.

We are a nation originally founded under the religious ideals of Raƫlism, the non-theistic belief that all beings on this planet were created by an extraterrestrial race called the Elohim. The death of the Raƫl (Messenger of the Elohim) made us realize the need for a proper elected government that is not confined by the ideals of a single religion. The recent formation of the New Administrative Republic of Pharapalac is the result.

As the First Elected Leader of the New Administrative Republic of Pharapalac, I wish you all luck in your future endeavors and may this region be rich and prosperous.
Inyk Aineastap
Inyk Aineastap

Posts : 4
Join date : 2011-03-02
Location : District of the Raƫl, Pharapalac

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Post  Grand Overseer of Feriron Wed Mar 02, 2011 7:01 pm

I am the Grand Overseer of the many Enlightened Peoples of Feriron, head of the Administrative Board, and Advisor to the Economy Sector.

Following our arrival in the region of Sermo, we are happy to introduce ourselves here, and proud to announce that our people are ready to work for the betterment of this land, even when faced with the current assistance.
Grand Overseer of Feriron
Grand Overseer of Feriron

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Location : Tynsford, Feriron

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Post  Dorlavisch Crecko Wed Mar 16, 2011 8:58 pm

Greetings, nations of Sermo.

I am Dorlavisch Crecko, president of the Free Land of Bynzavik, a nation built from refugees from oppressive and troubled nations.

Our nation is focused on libertarian values and democracy, with extensive civil rights, while politics and business are a bit more regulated. Our land is barren, and unforgiving, but with the freedom of the people we are hoping to pull through and become a happy, productive, nation.
Dorlavisch Crecko
Dorlavisch Crecko

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Join date : 2011-03-16
Location : Bynzavik

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Post  Hippo Thu Mar 17, 2011 7:28 am

Howdy ho! I am the High Chancellor of the Republic of Hippostania (what a fancy name, eh?)

Our nation is small but it has a large population of 1.6 billion. From the deserts in the southern part of the country, thru the jungles of the Central Hippostania and mountains of Eastern Hippostania to plains of Wokinghamshire, our nation stands tall and proud. Our national ideal is simple: As long as something you do doesn't hurt people around you, feel free to do it.

Posts : 296
Join date : 2011-03-03
Age : 25
Location : Waverley, Hippostania

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Post  ZBW Thu Mar 17, 2011 12:13 pm

Hi, I'm ZombieWaffle and I lead Reppenele.

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Join date : 2011-03-16

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Post  Argulor Tue Mar 29, 2011 4:54 pm

I am the leader of Argulor, a Democratic Socialist nation with approximately 95 million people, as of this message. We are not new to Sermo, but are new to being an ACTIVE member of Sermo. We believe the environment should be greatly protected, and in the ideas of the Government controlling the economy. Currently, our economy has imploded, but we hope in the future it will recover. We believe in a large amount of social services, and general freedom in day to day lives. Our tax rate is high, (72%) to cover the numerous services we offer our citizens. We are totally and utterly against extremely capitalist nations, as they are both immoral and corrupt.

Posts : 78
Join date : 2011-03-02
Location : Bragh, Argulor

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Post  Darth GW7 Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:32 am

Argulor wrote:I am the leader of Argulor, a Democratic Socialist nation with approximately 95 million people, as of this message. We are not new to Sermo, but are new to being an ACTIVE member of Sermo. We believe the environment should be greatly protected, and in the ideas of the Government controlling the economy. Currently, our economy has imploded, but we hope in the future it will recover. We believe in a large amount of social services, and general freedom in day to day lives. Our tax rate is high, (72%) to cover the numerous services we offer our citizens. We are totally and utterly against extremely capitalist nations, as they are both immoral and corrupt.

I think I'm in love.
Darth GW7
Darth GW7

Posts : 204
Join date : 2011-03-01
Location : Deanor, Frenzland

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Post  Argulor Sat Apr 02, 2011 3:00 pm

Darth GW7 wrote:
Argulor wrote:I am the leader of Argulor, a Democratic Socialist nation with approximately 95 million people, as of this message. We are not new to Sermo, but are new to being an ACTIVE member of Sermo. We believe the environment should be greatly protected, and in the ideas of the Government controlling the economy. Currently, our economy has imploded, but we hope in the future it will recover. We believe in a large amount of social services, and general freedom in day to day lives. Our tax rate is high, (72%) to cover the numerous services we offer our citizens. We are totally and utterly against extremely capitalist nations, as they are both immoral and corrupt.

I think I'm in love.
Love you to.

Posts : 78
Join date : 2011-03-02
Location : Bragh, Argulor

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Post  The Chairman Sat Apr 02, 2011 7:15 pm

Hello, I am President Adams, the leader of the lush, innovative nation of Synavia. We are based on the idea that it is best to try out new ideas before they are truly ripe in order to see what are the best methods. We're like a beta nation, if you will. Good tidings.
The Chairman
The Chairman

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Post  The Chairman Sat Apr 02, 2011 7:17 pm

Dorlavisch Crecko wrote:Greetings, nations of Sermo.

I am Dorlavisch Crecko, president of the Free Land of Bynzavik, a nation built from refugees from oppressive and troubled nations.

Our nation is focused on libertarian values and democracy, with extensive civil rights, while politics and business are a bit more regulated. Our land is barren, and unforgiving, but with the freedom of the people we are hoping to pull through and become a happy, productive, nation.
Greetings to you and your stupid flag. Looks like it was made in Kid Pix.
The Chairman
The Chairman

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Join date : 2011-03-22
Age : 48
Location : Cordopolis, Cordonis

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Post  Supreme Lord Blanchard Sat Apr 02, 2011 11:30 pm

President Adams wrote:
Dorlavisch Crecko wrote:Greetings, nations of Sermo.

I am Dorlavisch Crecko, president of the Free Land of Bynzavik, a nation built from refugees from oppressive and troubled nations.

Our nation is focused on libertarian values and democracy, with extensive civil rights, while politics and business are a bit more regulated. Our land is barren, and unforgiving, but with the freedom of the people we are hoping to pull through and become a happy, productive, nation.
Greetings to you and your stupid flag. Looks like it was made in Kid Pix.
Supreme Lord Blanchard
Supreme Lord Blanchard

Posts : 42
Join date : 2011-03-01
Location : Festung Von Blanchard. Greater Sermo

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