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Post  Cisco Zarandin Tue Mar 08, 2011 2:41 am

HEIMDALL – For centuries, peace has overcome the coastal nations of Sermo. Recently though, Nulendbund and Kyzl’s governments have come under fire from the nation inbetween the two, Hippostania. Hipponian have proclaimed that the Northwestern Plateau and Coastal Serenia regions belong to Hippostania by blood right. Arttu Virtahepo, the High Chancellor of Hippostania, has also claimed that for years, the people in the region have been under oppression. Hippostania has pleaded to not think of the annexation as imperialist acts, but, as defense of their high populations in the area. Hippostania believes war is not necessary, but, they must protect their people.

Conflict in the midwest. Annexation2

A man waving a Hippostanian flag in the Northwestern Plateau

For years, the Hipponian people have faced opression in the Northwestern Plateau (a part of Nulendbund) and Coastal Serenia (a part of Kyzl). 89% of the people in Northwestern Plateau and 71% of the people in Coastal Serenia are of Hippostanian descent, and they speak the hipponian language. 82% of the people in Northwestern Plateau support the secession, and 69% of the people in Coastal Serenia.
People in these areas are not allowed to use their native language. Hipponian newspapers are forced to close down, Hipponian schools are being closed and people think that the Hipponian people are subhuman. This has to end.
Hippostanian Goverment will not stand idle when the Hipponian people are suffering.

The parliament of Hippostania has decided to publish an ultimatum. We demand that the Federation of Nulendbund and the Democratic Republic of Kyzl accept that these areas have always been Hipponian, and accept the annexation of these areas into the Republic of Hippostania. The representatives of these nations have seven days (until 14.3.2011) to confrim that they have accepted the annexation.
The Hipponian people are peaceful. We do not want war. But we will protect our brothers and sisters on the other side of the artificial border that divides the Hipponian people.

We do not want that the people of Kyzl and Nulendbund see us as ‘conquerors’ or ‘imperialists’. We will promise that the Kyzlian and Nulendbundian people who decide to stay in these areas after the annexation have a full right to use their native language and practice their culture. The Hippostanian Goverment fully supports cultural diversity in these areas, and promises that these cultures can coexist in the Republic of Hippostania.

The Hippostanian Goverment wishes that we can agree on a solution without having to go to war. But as I said, we will protect our brothers and sisters.

Waiting for your response,

Arttu Virtahepo
High Chancellor of Hippostania

Nulendbund and Kyzl have defended themselves with the argument that the claims of oppression are completely false, and that just because a high percentage of Hipponians live in the regions, does not make it Hippostania’s.

Naturally other nations have come to the defense of Kyzl and Nulendbend. Machiniosa and Jeniferia in particular, proclaiming that if any militaristic actions be taken by Hippostania, that they will come to the defense of Kyzl and Nulendbend.

Prime Minister Cisco Zarandin has, expectedly, as is the case with big leader’s opinions of smaller conflicts between possible friends, neutral.

The only statements to come out of Ocasus has been the following;

There shall be no public vote in the Senate on this issue. There must be a diplomatic resolution to the issue that no outsiders, only the three nations involved must all agree on. As the leader of Sermo, it is my job to maintain the sanctity of the region’s peace.

That is all I am willing to say regarding this issue for the time being.

You can expect my more in depth input into the current situation in a few days.

SBC news will surely follow any developments in the topic in the forthcoming days.

Conflict in the midwest. Annexation

Regions in Question

Peter Solberg, SBC News, Heimdall

Cisco Zarandin
Cisco Zarandin

Posts : 153
Join date : 2011-02-28
Age : 31
Location : Aura, Ocasus

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